
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

From the Throne of God


"Hear Me, O mortals! I come every 3000 years and speak, and My voice comes upon the souls of thousands of people, and I newly light up the earth world! And when the dawn of the new cycle of the Arc of Bon, Kosmon comes, behold, I will open my heavens unto mortals, and prepare the foundation of My Kingdom on Earth!"

"Hear My voice, O spirits and mortals! The words of the heavens are my words, orderly and well disciplined. No man can imitate Me, and spirits cannot counterfeit Me. My words are from the fountain that erreth not forever."

"Be wise, O earth people, in the words of thy God. My records come "not" from the books of mortals. I open My heavenly libraries, and find the records of Jehovih's living sons and daughter's, who once trod the earth. Their light I recast down again to mortals in a stream of fire, and lo, my words are rewritten. Search thou, for the evidence of My footsteps on the earth."

O mortal people, you shall not mistake the teachings of the Chief God, which is: worship thy Creator only, to not bow down to any god or a lord or savior. I will destroy the worship of all gods and lords and saviors on the grounds of miracles. To love thy neighbor as thyself and to do good unto others with all thy wisdom and strength, having faith in the almighty Jehovih. As ye live on earth, so shall ye reap in heaven.

"I come now with a New Book and mortals will accept it from my hand. Herein, in this Book, do I predict beforehand, that mortals shall witness in time to come, that I, the Chief God of the earth and her heavens, have spoken.!"

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