
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Jesus Christ and the Two Stories

Story Number One:

Once upon a time, in the lower end of a large city, a gang member walked into a little fresh fruit market and approached the owner.

The gang member said, to the owner, that he was there to sell "protection" to him, to protect him, his family and his business.

The owner said, "protect me from whom?"

The gang member said, "from gangs who could come to harm you, your family and your business".

The owner said, that he really didn't think he needed "protection".

Whereupon the gang member told him, that if he didn't buy protection, that he would break both his legs, rape his little daughter and burn down his store.

The store owner was so terrified of this warning, that he agreed to pay for protection.

Story Number Two:

Once upon a time, a certain man was born on earth. When he had grown into manhood, he told people who lived in his area, that he was the Son of God, and that He had been born on the earth to save mankind and give them salvation (protection)

One day He was preaching this message and someone asked Him, "salvation (protection) from whom?"

And this Son Of God said, salvation (protection) from the Devil. He went on to say, that if they would fall down and worship Him, that upon their death, he would take them up to heaven to be with Him.

Someone else in the crowd said, "what will happen to us, if we don't want your salvation (protection)?"

This Son of God said, "in that case, when you die, I will cast you in hell and torture you forever".

Whereupon, many people fell down and worshiped this Son of God.


Moral of these stories:

Jehovih (not Jehovah) says in Oahspe, that we are His "babes" and He considers no person on earth "evil", only "green and unripe". Oahspe makes it very plain, that the Creator will never let any "so called" Lord, God or Savior torture his created humans in any Hell forever.

But, the way we live our lives here on earth, can not only put us in a "hell of a situation" here, but also in the spirit world, after we die (get out out of our bodies). Humanity does not need to be saved "by" man gods like Christ, humanity needs to be saved "from" them.

Christians tell me, when they hear these stories, "that I am wrong", that Christ does not throw people in hell, but that is done by the devil.

These "Christians are wrong", and should go back and read the entire New Testament, including the Acts of the Apostles, and they will find out that not only does Christ throw everyone in hell, that does not accept him as the Son of God ,but the devil and his angles are also thrown in hell.

What kind of a person, would torture a human being in hell forever: A kind and Loving Heavenly Father or a man god who only wants to get you into his heavenly Kingdom to "enslave you forever" and keep you "stupid" so you never find out that Jehovih has created UNLIMITED heavens and etherean worlds for his children to explore, as much as they want to FOREVER.

Yes, Christ did say he would prepare a place for you Christians, "and he sure did" and you will be "stuck there" until you wise up and escape to one of Jehovih's heavens. You will be shocked if you read Oahspe and find out what Christ has in store for Christians in his heaven.

The only way Christians can ever get their heads straight about religion is to first read Oahspe. There is no other way - unless when you die, go into the spiritual world, hopefully someone up there, that you can trust, will finally convince you, that Christ is not what your Bible tells you he is.

Oahspe is the New Bible, written by GOD HIMSELF, and has been around for over 100 years. You say, then why haven't people heard about it then. Millions of people have read Oahspe. It has been translated into other languages. It has been reprinted numerous times, over the past 100 years, in America, Great Britain and Europe.

But the main reason that Oahspe is not publicly known, is because, when a person finds and reads Oahspe, they must go through a personal transition, from one religion to another, and it is a "very difficult experience". And they know, that because of the shocking revelations found in Oahspe, they do not dare tell their friends and relatives what is said in this New Bible, because right away, it will totally ruin their relationship with them.

One of the main things, that God condemns in Oahspe, is the eating of the flesh of dead animal life and that includes all sea food. Eating the flesh of dead animals of any kind, puts a rock on your soul and the Light from God's throne or from his Holy Angles cannot get through to you.

God's Holy Angels cannot even come near you, to help lift you up to a higher lever, because of the STINK from your body, from the flesh of dead animals, makes them sick. When you eat the flesh of dead animals, the only spirits that will come around you are the very low grade type, that cannot lift you to a higher spiritual level. All they can do is drag you down.

One of the other things that GOD condemns in Oahspe is "preachers" and all these people here one earth who claim to be "men of God" and claim to speak "for" God. He makes it very plain that none of these "pretenders" speak for Him. They are nothing but "businessmen" selling their "brand' of religion.

God says that they are palming off "words" for "works". In other words, they do not want to WORK, like we have, all our lives. They want to convince you, that "you need them" for spiritual guidance, when your own "conscience" is all you are "responsible" to.

Oahspe tells exactly how all these religions on earth got started and WHO started them. Not only that, but gives an entire history of the major events which went on in heaven and on earth for the past 24 thousand years. There is also a book in Oahspe on science, but that is too complicated to touch on here.

Oahspe is the most fascinating book I have ever read and consider it to be the most important thing that has ever happen to me in my entire life. I now know that we all have "eternal life" and we were already "saved" as long as we believe in ANY KIND OF A GOD.

But the kind of a god we believe in is absolutely vital to WHERE WE GO, WHEN WE DIE. If Christ is your God, you go to his Kingdom, if Allah is your God, you go to his Kingdom, if Buddha is your God, you go to his Kingdom, etc. If you believe a statue in your backyard is god, then when you die, that is where you will go.

What about an atheist?

They are in danger of going out of EXISTENCE when they die. Pity them.

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