
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Freedom of Religion: Who is Wrong Here?

For more years that I can accurately count, about 50, I guess, certain members of my family, siblings and parents specifically, in one manner or another, from time to time, have let it be known to me, that because I have "dropped" the Christian faith, in favor of becoming a Faithist, that I am surely going to BURN IN HELL.

They have done this to me, without taking, not the least interest in my choice, nor spent any time what-so-ever, trying to find out what this religion is all about. So, I am being judged, wholly and completely, out of total ignorance, prejudice, discrimination, closed mindedness, fear, and, as far as I am concerned, a complete lack of even a modicum of consideration towards me, to have the right to live my own life, as I see fit, and to choose my own faith and religion as my own conscience dictates.

If this were the old days in Europe, they would have, by now, turned me over to the Inquisitors, and I would have been ostracized, tortured and probably burned at the stake. The reason why people, in Europe, came to this land, so many years ago, was to escape the terrible religious intolerance that was so rampant in the old world, so many years ago. The people who embrace these religions, that threaten hell to GET and HOLD their members, support the most restrictive religions on the face of this planet.

There is no way a loving Heavenly Father would ever throw his created humans in hell just because they chose this religion or that. As a matter of fact, it is people who THREATEN OTHERS with hell that are the ones who are in danger of some sort of hell. If the members of my family had taken an interest in my religion, and had read the Faithist bible, Oahspe, they would RUN from the Christian religion faster than a rabbit runs from a wolf. Do you think I am kidding you? Read Oahspe and find out for yourself.

I know for a fact, that if every person in the world would go to religious instruction, into every religion on earth and learn all about every one of them, the Faithist religion would definatly be the top choice out of all of them.

It is a fact, that 95% of all people on this planet, embrace and believe in the religion that they were raised in. Since when is that a "personal choice" since it was jammed into their young minds by the adults in their lives.

Suppose, that instead of parents raising their children in the religion "of the parents", that all children were taught about all religions. That way, they could then make an intelligent choice of their own, instead of being forced to believe what their parents made them believe. The world, right now faces destruction because of the conflicts between the Christian, Muslim and Jewish religions all over this world. Children are being taught to fear, hate, distrust and sometimes kill people who do not believe the way they believe.

I was raised in the Christian faith, but because I wanted to know about all religions, I studied into all of them and found out that the Faithist religion was far superior to all the other religions on earth. The Faithist religion predates all other religions by thousands of years. Oahspe is a history book going back over 78,000 years and tells how all of these religions got started and who started them. It is, without a doubt, the most fascinating book I have ever read.

Oahspe goes into great detail about all these religions and after a person reads what Oahspe tells them, then they can understand why these conflicts are going on in the world today.

You can read Oahspe here:

Also, when you go into a grocery store or supermarket, you are going to be able to see only two "types" of foods; foods made by God like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc. and foods made by factories in boxes, cans, jars, etc. Now who do you think knows more about what is good for you, God or people?

You can read about God's diet here:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Drugs and the Story About Dr. Druggard

Once upon a time, this woman went to her family physician, Dr. Druggard, with a constipation problem. The doctor thought for a moment, and decided to prescribe a new drug, a salesman from a drug company said was the latest thing for treating constipation. The drug had some possible "side effects", and the doctor told the patient to read the possible side effects, and report to him if any of them showed up.

One of the possible side effects was urinary incontinence, which happened to the woman, and she had to start wearing "diapers". The woman went to her doctor and told him what had happened. He said for her "not to worry", because he had "another drug" that would stop the incontinence. The incontinence drug had possible "side effects" and the doctor told the woman to tell him if any of "them" showed up.

About two weeks went by and she developed a skin rash, which was one of the side effects of the incontinence drug. She went to her doctor to tell him what had happened. He said for her "not to worry", because a drug company, had just come out with a new drug, that would take care of her skin rash. This drug "also" had side effects, and the doctor told the woman to be sure to tell him if any "of them" showed up.

Only a few days had passed and she started "seeing double" which was one of the side effects of this new drug. This time, the doctor told her he had "run out of drugs" to treat her new problem and told her to go see her eye doctor.

When she went to her eye doctor, he ask her what she thought might have cause the double vision problem. Whereupon the woman told him the whole story, from constipation on down. The eye doctor told her, that before he would try to fix her eye problem, she should find out what caused her problem of constipation in the first place. So she did some research on the web and found out that eating "white flour foods", like pasta, donuts, cookies, bread, rolls, etc., cause constipation because they have very little fiber in them.

She called her family doctor and told him what she had found out. She asked him, "why didn't you tell me what had caused the problem in the first place." The doctor told her, that he was "trained" to treat people with drugs, and did not know anything about that natural stuff.

The average medical doctor, receives very little training in medial school concerning nutrition, in spite of the fact, that the lack of proper nutrition is the primary cause of every disease afflicting mankind. It also is a well known fact, in the alternative field of medicine, that the application of proper nutrition is the foundation of all healing processes. I have spent the last 50 years researching the power of nutritional healing and I have condensed all of that here "free" to the entire world.

You can also receive the power of CHI and the sun's healing Far Infrared Rays here:

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Oahspe - The New Bible and How it Was Written

Back in the 1800's, from 1848 until about 1900, spiritualism was very popular in America. It all started on the night of March 31, 1848 in Hydesville, New York when some young girls, of the Fox family, decided to try to communicate with a spirit that had been haunting their house. By a series of knocks, back and forth between the girls and the spirit, it told them he had been murdered in that house and his bones could be found buried in the basement. Sure enough, they dug up the floor and there they were.

Well, that stated a frenzy of interest in "spirits of the dead" which continued all over America for the next 50 years. A certain John Ballou Newbrough, became fascinated in the phenomenon and delved into seances of his own. Newbrough found out he was a medium himself, in the sense that spirits could control his arms and hands and when they did that, he had no control of his arms at all.

After many years of his involvement in spiritualism, he was awakened in the middle of the night with a bright light in his bedroom. Startled, he saw angels at the foot of his bed. They asked him if he would do something for the Creator of the Universe, Jehovih. He asked them what did they want him to do? They told him to live a spiritual life for ten years. He asked them how to do that. They told him to stop eating the flesh of dead animals, dairy foods and do charity work and to never send a bill to his patients. Dr. Newbrough was a dentist.

After the angels told him that, they just left. Dr. Newbrough did as they asked him to do and at the end of those ten years, the angels came to his bedroom again. They told him to buy a typewriter, which had just been invented, and to sit at that typewriter every morning before sunrise. Dr. Newbrough, who did not even know how to type, did as he was told and a yellow light shown down 'through the ceiling' on his hands and started typing a manuscript.

After doing this for one year, the angels told him to published it and call it Oahspe which means SKY-EARTH-SPIRIT. Dr. Newbrough said that one time he got up from the typewriter, as the light shown down on his hands, and as he held his hands out a window, he could see that yellow light going up in the sky as far as he could see.

The story about the Fox sisters is a very sad one. Because the subject of spiritualism was so controversial, at that time, and still is, these females had a lifetime of problems connected to their involvement in this period of American history. They had so many problems, that eventually they ended up discrediting their own story, about their experiences, just to get the public to leave them alone. But the facts are still there. Those bones were found buried in the basement, just like the spirit told them.

Besides that, if anyone would delve extensively into spiritualism, they will discover, that it is a fact, that people do survive physical death, to be alive in the spirit world. Many books have been written on this subject. One such book entitled "Loves Answer From Eternity" by Jeanne C. Belt is an example of automatic writing from Jeanne Belt's own husband.

When Guy, her husband died, he was able to use Jeanne's hands, and wrote to her every morning for a long time. He told her what it was like in the spirit world and begged her to let him go, so that he could go on in his spiritual life. When he died, she missed him so much, that this kept him here on earth and next to her and he could not leave her, until she let him go by not missing him so much. This book is very rare and has been sold for a lot of money.

There is the Association For Research And Enlightenment at Virginia Beach, VA - that has thousands of worldwide members, as a result of the readings given by Edgar Cayce while under a trance. Edgar Cayce was able to answer any question put to him about health, life after death, history and numerous other topics. He gave many thousands of these readings over the span of many years. Because of his readings on health to hundreds of people, he is called the Father of Holistic Medicine.

In the early part of my marriage to my ex-wife, we tried to use a Ouija board. This is a board with the alphabet and numbers printed on it with a little pointer which a person is supposed to put their fingers on and ask the board questions. Spirits in the room, which you cannot see, will then try to use your hands to move the pointer to answer your questions. We practiced quit a lot and eventually we started getting answers to questions. It was going along pretty good until one day we got this message saying: "LEAVE THIS ALONE!" Well, needless to say, we did not mess with the Ouija board anymore after that.

Why is the Ouija board so dangerous? Because you do not know what kind of spirits you are dealing with, that's why. I read a story about a person who started hearing a soft voice in his ear once in awhile. It would tell him things like - where he had lost something or who was saying good or bad things about him and what the neighbors were doing, etc. He got dependent on this voice and it got stronger and stronger until it was controlling his life. He ended up spending a small fortune under the care of a psychiatrist to get rid of this spirit.

After Oahspe was published, the editor of a newspaper asked Dr. Newbrough to write an article telling him how Oahspe was written. Dr. Newbrough did not tell this editor the whole story. You can read Dr. Newbrough's actual letter here:

Article Source:

Donald Ballard - EzineArticles Expert Author