I had a job one time as a janitor in a doctor's office and one of the nurses in this office had a sign in her area that said, "GOT JESUS?" I wanted very much to write her a note and leave it on her desk that said, NO DIANE, I DON'T "GOT JESUS", I "GOT RID" OF HIM. Of course I could not do that because it would certainly have caused a big stir and I probably would have been fired from that job.
The following story is my own personal experience with the Christian religion that I was raised in. This story may be a bit boring to start off with, but it sure doesn't end up that way.
As I said, I was raised in the Christian religion the same as the majority of Americans are. My parents were devout Christians, going to church on Sunday, Wednesday night prayer meeting, various revival meetings from time to time, and reading the bible every evening, during much of my younger years. We had prayers after that, with all of us on our knees facing couches and chairs. Every night, as a child, I dreaded going through this ritual which, to me, was nothing but a miserable ordeal.
As I grew older in my early teens, I thought that our church, the Church of God, was better than any other church and when I would see those Catholics come out of their church Sunday morning, I thought they were weird, for sure.
When I was about 16 years old, I ran across an article on religion written about the different views that other Christians had on the bible and religion in general. I thought their views were rather interesting, even though they were different than mine. That article change my whole attitude towards other people and has been a standard I have followed ever since. That article turned me into a listener and opened up my mind to the views of other people.
So, because of the change in my attitude towards religion, I began to read anything I could get my hands on concerning things of a spiritual nature. I can't begin to remember everything I have read.
I got interested in reincarnation and read every book I could get my hands on about that. One book I read was called "The Search for Bridey Murphy." This was the story about a girl who, under hypnotism, could remember a previous lifetime in another country when her name was Bridey Murphy. I think it was in Ireland.
I read a book (can't remember the title) about some people who lived on a continent in the pacific before that continent was sank beneath the ocean by God. You can read about that in Oahspe, the new bible.
I read another story about people who lived on Atlantis, a continent that was in the Atlantic Ocean and was sunk beneath the ocean surface. You can read about that in the Edgar Cayce readings.
One of my sisters found out I was reading about reincarnation and she jumped all over my for that. She said I shouldn't be reading things like that because it wasn't in the bible. I told her she watched TV and that wasn't in the bible. All my life I have had people tell me I was crazy to read things like that because it would only confuse me. It didn't confuse me at all. I was just gathering information about subjects I was interested in.
I have had people tell me I needed a preacher to interpret the bible and spiritual things to me. I figured my brain was just as good or better that any preacher. All you will get from them is their narrow minded viewpoint anyway. You know, the one that supports their own "Religion Store" (church).
I ran across a book called the "Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ". I liked that story better than the one in the bible because in this story Christ didn't throw people in hell and there was no sin against the Holy Ghost.
One of the most interesting things I ever found was a book called, "There is a River" by Thomas Sugrue. This was the astonishing story about Edgar Cayce who became world renowned for being a sleeping prophet who could answer any question put to him by anybody while he was in a trance. People all over the world came to him for information on a wide range of topics. He is now known as the Father of Holistic Medicine.
There is an organization in Virginia Beach, VA called the Association for Research and Enlightenment which was founded to spread information about the Edgar Cayce readings. The benefits I gained from that organization was absolutely phenomenal. The Edgar Cayce readings change my life in such a constructive manner it is beyond description in spite of the fact it is from a Christian organization and I am a Faithist. It absolutely shocks me how people will completely close their minds to other people's ideas just because it is a different religion or a different culture or different political party or different race, etc.
All of his methods were drug free natural methods. Literally thousands of people were helped back to health through his methods. His story of Jesus was also without eternal damnation and some unforgivable sin. So the Christian bible was the only source of hell and damnation stuff and unforgivable teachings in the Christian religion. Why is this so? I will tell you later.
I told a woman I know, who is a Faithist, that I had been doing research in the Edgar Cayce readings. She jumped all over me for reading anything by him because he taught reincarnation. Here is another example of religious bigotry and narrow mindedness. Just because I read about reincarnation, didn't mean I believed in it, any more that if a person read a murder mystery, they would be a murderer.
Sometimes people completely close their minds over the most stupid reasons. I loaned an Oahspe to a guy once and he showed it to his minister. His minister immediately condemned Oahspe even though he had never read it. It's that same old attitude that if "it doesn't agree with him, it has to be wrong".
I thought I had found the highest spiritual information on earth, in the Edgar Cayce readings, until I saw an add for Oahspe in a copy of Fate magazine. I sent away for some free information and it was interesting enough that I ordered the book.
When I started reading Oahspe it was a "page turner". I even took it to work where I was a technical writer and would read some of it once in awhile at work. My supervisor saw this and didn't say anything about it.
I could not stop reading this book which was 891 pages long. It was everything I had always been looking for all those years, only far better than that. It was like going through this fantastic mansion, room by room and each new room was better than all the rest.
The pieces of the puzzle of life fell into the proper order and I was freed from all those years of spiritual darkness.
When some people read, or try to read Oahspe, they get nothing from it because they are not yet ready for a bible like this. Some people, like the person who operates www.oahspe.com, are very much against this bible because of various reasons, all of which means that they do not understand this bible. There were times when, even I, became very upset when reading certain parts in Oahspe.
One time when I was reading it, I read something that really made me angry and I threw that bible clear across the room. My young son who was only about three years old, went over and picked up that bible and brought it to me and when he put in my lap he said "Oahspe." Well, that kind of "got to me" and I decided to reread what I had just read and found out I had just misunderstood what was being said.
As a matter of fact, Oahspe is so different from what the average person has been taught when growing up, it really does take a lot of adjusting, to a person's mind, to even begin to understand it. I have read Oahspe many times and every time I read it I find out new things I missed when reading it the previous times.
To me, Oahspe is the kind of book that I can open up to any page and start reading and right away I am interested in what is written there.
When reading Oahspe, you have to keep in mind certain basic things in order to handle this bible.
1. Remember, this book is written by God and there is "no way" you will ever understand this bible completely. In Oahspe, it says that a God is so much smarter than we humans, it is like comparing an ocean, to one drop of water. That makes us so much dumber than a God, how can we ever completely understand it. It says in Oahspe that when these Gods are traveling through space, from one world to another, in an airavagna (space ship) they can read the minds of every single person on that planet as they pass by it.
And we have people in this world who get conceited over knowing so little. How can any person walk into any library and seeing all of those books he has never read, get conceited about anything. God says He would lift us up to His throne right away but the light is so bright (truth and knowledge) that we could not stand it and we would cease to exist instantly.
2. Oahspe is not a perfect book and it even says in Oahspe that it is not perfect. I dreamed that there were mistakes in Oahspe and I have found some myself and so have other people who have read it. There are things in Oahspe that I do not agree with and this is my right to disagree with it if I want to. That doesn't mean I am right, I just have the freedom to disagree. Oahspe does give you the right to disagree with any part of it, if you want to. Why? Because Oahspe is a book, not your conscience.
Your conscience is ALL you ever have to obey. You do not have to obey any book, bible, preacher, cleric, rabbi, minister, pope or any other printed doctrine or person in all the world. All of the printed information you will ever read is there to give information and guidance if that is what you want. You do not have to obey any of it, if you do not want to. You also do not have to do what ANY spiritual leader wants you to do if you do not want to do it. You have free will and no one has the right to take it from you. That is in Oahspe from your own Heavenly Father.
3. Oahspe was printed; first edition in 1882 and the second edition in 1891. When reading Oahspe you have to take into consideration the way people were "at that time" and conditions around the world "at that time."
4. Even though Jehovih is against killing humans, which includes war, there are times when He brings about the deaths of people under certain circumstances for various reasons. I am not going to list them all but I will tell you about His involvement in war. Jehovih is against war, but when war breaks out He has basically two approaches to this.
He either takes the side of the one who is right or He just stays out of it completely and lets evil take it's course. People are forever looking around the world and wondering, "If there is a God, why does He allow so much evil to go on." This is very complicated to explain everything but simply put, He gives all of us free will, even His enemies. Every person who commits evil will, some day, have to face their evil deeds, one way or the other. This is the way we learn.
How was Oahspe written? Back in the 1800's, people did not have television to watch. People did not have movies to go to. Do you know what they did for entertainment? Back in 1848, some people named Fox, heard some noises in their house and did not know where these noises were coming from. They were tapping sounds. There were some young females in this home and they decide to find out if these sounds were coming from some person who was a spirit or ghost of someone who had died.
So they told this spirit to answer questions from them and to tap two knocks if "yes" and one knock if "no" or something similar to that. These girls began a conversation with this spirit and they found out that the spirit was a man who had been murdered in that house and was buried in the basement a long time ago. People thought the girls were spoofing about all of this until they dug up the basement and found his bones down there.
The neighbors and lots of people got involved and this started a movement in America and around the world called spiritualism. People became absolutely fascinated with the possibility of talking to their dead relatives and friends. But in order to do this a person had to go to a medium. A medium is a person who was "sensitive" to spirits of the dead where the spirit could "use the medium" to talk to people still in their bodies. When this happens, it was called a seance. So, instead of watching TV and going to movies like people do today, the majority of people would go to these seances.
Well, every movement has it's critics and because the churches began to criticized this movement, because it isn't in their bible, spiritualism moved underground (in private) and today it is called channeling. It still goes on around the world but people just keep quiet about it because the churches condemn it.
Now, who started spiritualism in the first place. Jehovih did. Why? Because he wanted people to realize that death is not the end of our life at all. It is really the beginning of our real life in the spirit. When we are in our bodies we are actually in a "womb," as far as He is concerned. People fear death because they do not understand it. Death is no more than getting out of our bodies just like you leave your house or go from one room to the other or get out of your car. No big deal at all, but it is bad to kill other people or commit suicide.
The condition or place we find ourselves in over there is very dependent on what we eat and how we have lived our lives here on earth.
Life is like building a "house of memories" we have to live in when we die.
If we have lived a good life and have done good things to other people and eaten good food here, then we will have a good place to go to over there.
It is also very important to keep an open mind about all things without going to extremes and being gullible.
It is important in life to be a discriminating person about all things without being narrow minded about anything.
Capital punishment is wrong. Killing a person frees them from their bodies and if this person is still evil minded, they will go and inspire people here on earth to do bad things for them. Keeping them locked up so they can't do bad things makes more sense than killing them. In fact killing someone frees them into the spirit world and many times they can come back on the person, who killed them, and cause so much hell in their killer's life, it is hard to describe. So killing someone can be about the dumbest thing you can do.
Spiritualism was started in 1848 by Jehovih and this is what Oahspe says about that:
Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih
Chapter XIX
The Dawn of Kosmon
Verses 11 through 18
Jehovih speaks:
Again, the Voice spake out of the light. saying: I know no distinctions of men, of races, of sects, or doctrines, or past revelations. All people are My people. Open the gates of heaven; let my angels speak to mortals!
Swifter and swifter came the etherean archangels, till all the heavens of Paradise were encircled in the love of the Almighty. Then, God called out the legions who had the matter in charge, where mortals had been born for the work of Jehovih's Kingdom. And God said:
Open the gates of heaven; let the angels of Jehovih speak with mortals; the time of the Father's kingdom is at hand! Open the gates of heaven! Let the angels come forth in power!
And in Hidesville, in Guatama (America), on the earth, the angels opened the door in Jehovih's name, to be not closed again forever, forever!
Hydesville has been spelled with both an "i" and "y".
You can go to www.google.com and type in "Fox sisters" or "Hydesville, NY" or "spiritualism" and read all about it yourself.
The story of the Fox sisters is a sad one because they just couldn't handle the fame, fortune, scrutiny, criticism and all of the problems, it can cause a person, when they get involved in a highly controversial activity.
During all of this spiritualism stuff, there was a man named John Ballou Newbrough, a dentist, who became very interested in spiritualism. But after listening to all of this stuff about people talking to dead friends and relatives, he became very interested in finding out more about the Creator and the source of all knowledge, the universe, etc.
One night as he was asleep in his house, he was awakened by a room full of light and some men in his room.
They ask him if he wanted to do something for Jehovih?
He asked them what did they want him to do.
The men told him to start living a more spiritual life.
He ask them what did they mean by a spiritual life.
The men told him to stop eating the flesh of dead animals (meat) and to do charitable things for other people and then they left.
John Newbrough did as he was told and his wife divorced him because of this. Ten years later the men came back and appeared again in his room when he was asleep. They told him that he had done well and told him to buy a typewriter which had just been invented. He was to sit at that typewriter early every morning. Newbrough could not type.
Newbrough did as he was told and when he did this a yellow beam of light shown right through the house on to his hands. He once stuck his hands out an open window and the beam of light went up in the sky as far as he could see.
For the next year, as he sat at that typewriter, this yellow beam of light typed a manuscript. While he sat at that typewriter, three men were also there. One behind him with his arms over Newbrough's head and the other two men on each side of him.
When the manuscript was finished, the men told him to published it and name it Oahspe. Newbrough did this in 1882 and later on in 1891.
Oahspe is a history book covering the past 24,000 years. It tells everything about all the major religions on earth and who started them. It tells about America and how this nation was founded under God for religious freedom. It tells about the Revolution War and the Civil War. It tells about our problems with the American Indians and why Americans had to do what they did. It tells many more historical facts easily verified by man's history books.
Oahspe has only two editions (1882 and 1891) but those editions have been reprinted many, many times over the past one hundred plus years, especially in the U.S. and U.K. Oahspe is down loadable at a link found at www.google.com, but not at www.oahspe.com because that web site is trying to keep you from reading this bible.
Oahspe bibles can also be bought on-line at various web sites like www.abebooks.com, www.amazon.com and www.ebay.com. It can also be ordered from some bookstores unless they have run out of these by the time you try to get one. Once the demand goes up though, there will be plenty of publishers that will be printing them, you can be sure of that. I plan on doing that myself someday.
Oahspe tells us the Creator of the Universe is Jehovih, a Great Spirit that fills all space. Everything is inside of Him, even us. Everything is a part of Him, even us. That is the reason why eternal damnation is so ridiculous. He would be torturing a part of Himself if he threw His "babes" (as He call us) in hell to burn forever. That is a stupid idea anyway. Any person who was thrown in a lake of fire would be driven out of their minds immediately and what would a Loving Heavenly Father want with that?
When a person dies they are just getting out of the bodies they have "used" while here on earth. When we die we will have a spiritual body. Learning and education go on over there also if a person wants that.
Down through the past many thousands of years, Jehovih has sent certain men to earth to tell people here about Him and the Faithist religion. They were called Great Leaders Forth. The Faithist religion WAS the first religion ever taught to mortals on earth. All other religions have been started by enemies of Jehovih to snare people into their kingdoms after they die to enslave them.
These enemies of Jehovih were the ones who threatened people with hell and stuff like that to scare them into obedience. And they did throw millions of spirits in hells who would not bow down to them. We have governments today who will do very bad things to people who they consider their political enemies and throw them in prisons and do terrible things to them.
The Great Leaders Forth for Jehovih were ZARATHUSTRA, PO, ABRAHAM, BRAHMA, EA-WAH-TAH, CAPILYA, MOSES, CHINE, SAKAYA, KA-YU and JOSHU. What about Jesus? I will tell you about him later.
Many thousands of years ago, three Lords under Jehovih got impatient about the way Jehovih was handling things on earth and decided to rebel against Him and set up their own kingdoms. They were like neocons, very conservative and Jehovih was being WAY too liberal as far as they were concerned. They got into a big argument with God over this. He was their boss and they were quitting their jobs and going on their own. You know what I mean: being just normal entrepreneurs. They also were able to take away from Jehovih many millions of angels.
Jehovih's way is to give all of us our freedom and let us learn the "hard way" that our way usually brings us a lot of trouble, and then when we get into trouble we will turn to Him for help. The only problem with this system is that we have to be "fooled" by many other people who are constantly telling us that "they" have the answer to our problems and we have to "pay" them to get help.
That is the reason He sends certain men to earth, from time to time, to help us "dummies" get our lives straightened out.
These three Lords established a confederacy between them which they called the TRINITY based on the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. When Jehovih saw that they had called him a ghost he said, "I am not a ghost, I am a person". The names of these members of this Trinity were Looeamong, Kabalactes and Ennochissa.
In order to establish the belief in their doctrines on earth, they, over a period on many years, inspired and lifted up forty nine men in different parts of the world to be saviors of man on earth.These saviors were able to heal the sick, raise the dead, walk on water and many other miracles. They, all of them, were then put to death, in a very bad way, to win great sympathy from all of their followers. Sixteen of them were crucified. You can read about all of this in a book called, The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors." by Kersey Graves. This book was originally published in the 1800's.
The names of these crucified saviors are:
The names of the countries or areas listed are sometimes the names "at that time" and have since been changed. You can type these names in at google.com and you can read about them. In this book I mention www.google.com, as the search engine to use, but their are a lot more very good search engines on the web. I have no stock in google.com.
The TRINITY, which included Looeamong, Kabalactes and Ennochissa divided up the earth to rule over it. They declared war on hundreds of false gods who ruled over mortals in their areas and threw all of these false gods and their worshipers (who would not bow down to them) in hell. These hells did not burn spirits but had walls of fire so no spirit could escape and the TRINITY would put choking gases in there to torment all these spirits continually, even little babies.
After the TRINITY had taken over all the earth, they began to war with "one another", trying to take over the entire earth for themselves and throw all the others in a hell. Finally, after warring among themselves for 500 years they decide to call a truce and settled down to adorn their kingdoms.
During all of these wars Looeamong had a Chief captain named Thoth whose name was later changed to Gabriel. Looeamong had promised Gabriel that if Gabriel would stick with him that he would give him a kingdom of his own. Well, after all the fighting was done, Looeamong completely ignored Gabriel and no matter how many times Gabriel pleaded with Looeamong for a kingdom of his own, Looeamong double crossed Gabriel and would not give Gabriel anything.
There is more to this story but I am going to let you read that yourself from Oahspe. Gabriel decided to take millions of angels away from Looeamong and start a Kingdom of his own. What do you think Looeamong did about that?
Later on Looeamong decided that he needed an agent on earth to spread his power among people and he chose Constantine of Rome for this purpose. One day, while Constantine was about to go to battle, he and all of his soldiers saw a cross in the sky which said, "With this you shall conquer". Constantine was not sure just what he had seen but that night he had a dream where Looeamong (who now was calling himself Christ) told Constantine the same thing.
The next day Constantine had a symbol put on the shields of all of his soldiers as instructed to do by Christ (alias Looeamong.) After this Constantine went to war and became the ruler over all that area around him.
During that period the people in that area worshiped many gods and Constantine needed to bring the people under one religion to unify them and put an end to all the problems concerning religion.
So....in 325 AD Constantine called together all the bishops in that area to a council at Nicaea. There they voted on what god they would serve. After going down a long list and voting over and over, they finally chose Christ as their god.
The council had brought with them 2,231 books and legendary tales of Gods and saviors and great men, together with a record of the doctrines taught by them.
Constantine told them to go through all of those books and stories and doctrines and choose the best of them and reject the ones which were no good and switch them around so as to make a sensible set of stories and books. When they got done they called it "The Book Of Books" which today is called The Holy Bible.
The old testament was put together by Ezra and the new testament was put together by Constantine. So, what this boils down to is: The Holy Bible, which is used by Jews and Christians as a Holy Book, is not from our Heavenly father at all, but from one of His enemies, a man-god named Looeamong.
Does Jehovih approve of all this? I mean, does He want mortals to have these man-gods and their bible? Yes He does. Why? Because he says that He cannot get through to mortals any other way. Most mortals just cannot get the "big picture" of Him being so big and we humans living "inside" of Him, so He lets these man-gods rule over humans until they learn enough to get away from them and start learning about Him. It's a rough way to go but Jehovih has no other choice.
Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. When you have a dream, where you are walking down a street, where you see buildings and cars and houses and people, who do you think creates all of that stuff you see in dreams, the tooth fairy? Nope! When you are in a dream, you are in the spirit world and all of the things you see are created by your own God, in "whom you live" and have your existence.
Because of all of the saviors the TRINITY had sent to earth, there were numerous stories written about these saviors that had been passed down through the years.
You can read about this in "The Jesus Mysteries" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy and "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors" by Kersey Graves.
Constantine told the bishops to go through all of these stories and books handed down through the centuries and pick out the best ones and reject the rest, and make changes so that the best books were kept and a good story was written about a savior. So that is what they did. They took all of these stories about all of these saviors and make a "composite" out of them and wrote a story about a savior. The name of this FICTITIOUS savior was named IESU to begin with and later on someone changed that to Jesus. The bishops decided to include the threat of eternally damnation and unforgivable sin to threaten everyone.
Constantine then declared to all the people in his area that Christianity was going to be the state religion and he enforced this religion with the sword, killing thousands who would not go along with his religion.
So out of terror and slaughter was the Christian religion born.
Looeamong had been calling himself Christ a long time before this and there were Christians on earth long before the story of Jesus was created and written. A man named Jesus never existed. Back in the time period when Jesus was supposed to have lived, there were 29 Pagan writers who wrote things about that period of time and not a single one of them said one solitary thing about a man named Jesus...NOT ONE.
Here is a list of those men:
Also, living at the time when Jesus was supposed to have lived on earth, there were Jewish Historians. These men were;
PHILO, a Jewish author, who wrote around 50 works on history, philosophy and religion including a lot about Pontius Pilate but makes no mention about Jesus.
JUSTUS OF TIBERIAS was a Jew who lived near Capernaum, where Jesus was supposed to have visited, but makes no mention of Jesus even though he wrote a history that started from Moses to his time.
JOSEPHUS, a contemporary of Paul wrote two famous history books, namely: "The Jewish Wars" and "Antiquities of the Jews". Josephus also did NOT write a single word about Jesus even though a Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church put a bunch of crap into this man's writings and he got away with it for a long time until finally scholars of even Christian persuasion admitted it was an obvious forgery. The name of this bishop was Eusebius who was nothing but a person who spread propaganda for the Roman Catholic Church.
The only Roman writers who wrote anything of interest were Pliny, Saetonius and Tacitus. There were Christians during this time but they had been around for many years because Christ was just one of many gods people worshiped. That is the reason Looeamong chose that name. Pliney mentions having trouble with Christians.
Saetonius wrote about Christians saying they had a new and wicked superstition.
Tacitius wrote about Christ and Christians but this was proved to be just a rumor.
You can read about this in Chapter 7, The Missing Man in "The Jesus Mysteries."
Why didn't any of these Pagan and Jewish and Roman writers, write anything about Jesus, that the Christian bible says is the Prince of Peace, Savior of all the world, who performed miracles and brought people back from the dead, walked on water, was crucified, rose from the dead and went off to heaven to rule over the twelve tribes of Israel?
Why? Because the Catholics had not written about him yet and would not write this story for another three hundred years or so, THAT'S WHY!
The Catholics have gotten away with this FICTIONAL JESUS of theirs for over 2000 years. I would bet that in the Vatican archives, is the whole truth about Jesus Christ for everyone to read if the Pope would let you in there. Do you think the Pope will let some investigative reporters in there to check this out? Yeh, right!
Jehovih, Creator of the Universe, Worlds Without End, has COMMANDED ME to write this book to expose these LIARS once and for all. I am a Colonel in Jehovih's Spiritual Militia and my function is to expose all of the destroyers on this planet to the entire world and Charlotte Church is a very important part of this mission.
I am a MESSENGER, for Jehovih, the Creator of the Universe.
The first printing press was not invented until the 1500's and those early church leaders (who later became Roman Catholics) were able to keep the faithful in ignorance about the story of Jesus for about 1175 years. The first printing press was called the Gutenberg and the first book to be printed was the bible.
Well....nothing like a little knowledge to "stir up the troops." Once this bible was printed and the average person could own one of his own, then people could read and interpret the bible as they saw fit. Needless to say, people began to disagree "big time" with the "official church interpretation" of the scriptures. One person was so moved by his own interpretation, he posted his opinions right on the church door, WHAM! His name was Martin Luther. Well, the church fathers didn't like want he did "one bit" and they kicked him right out of the church, on his rear end.
But, Martin Luther found a way to get even with "those guys" and just went out and started his own church and now we got a little competition going on in "this here" Christian religion stuff. Since he was protesting against the Catholic Church he was labeled a Protestant.
Eventually, the people who joined his church, disagreed with him, and they broke away from the Lutheran Church and started their own church, they same way he broke away from the Catholic Church. And this breaking away from a church, to the other church, was like the cell division of an embryo. And this division from one church into another has created a monster of thousands of denominations of the Christian religion worldwide.
Jesus Christ said in Matthew 10:34;
"Think not that I come to send peace on earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword. For I come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."
Now, how are we supposed to "love one another" when he is doing stuff like that? It's no wonder there are some many denominations in this Christian religion where every one of them thinks "they are right" and everybody else is "wrong."
In the World's Christian Encyclopedia by David A. Barrett he says there were 22,190 denominations when this book was published in 1982. That was 23 years ago and there must be a lot more than that now.
He breaks these denominations down like this:
Roman Catholicism which accounts for 223 denominations.
Catholic (Non-Roman) which accounts for 504 denominations.
Protestant which accounts for 8,196 denominations.
Orthodox which accounts for 580 denominations.
Non-White Indigenous which accounts for 10,956 denominations.
Anglican which accounts for 240 denominations.
Marginal Protestant which includes Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormon's, New Age groups, and all cults which accounts for 1,490 denominations.
Now, let's get back to this story about the other man-gods. When Gabriel saw, what Looeamong (alias Christ) had done, as far as having an agent on earth and being successful in expanding his influence on mortals, Gabriel figured he could do the same thing. He decided to have an agent on earth too! He chose a man named Mohammad to be his agent on earth and inspired him to write a holy book called the Koran.
Now, here is where it gets really interesting, complicated and deadly. Remember! Both of these false gods hate each other and both of them want to throw the other in hell along with their worshipers.
They both have these agents and they have their holy books teaching mortals what they want them to know in order to take over the earth and defeat the other.
There is no way I can explain all of the details of what these man gods did to the minds and emotions of their worshipers. There is too much to that to cover here, but "mind control" was the main purpose and intent of both of them to enslave their worshipers, to use them to defeat the other for world domination.
"Mind control" was the main purpose of all false gods, whereas Jehovih is just the opposite. Jehovih gives us "free will" and lets us go "make ourselves" freely. Mind control is also used by all evil governments on earth. All dictatorships, whether religious or non-religious, try to control all those they govern. The absolute worse type of government is a "religious dictatorship." Remember, all dictators are "control freaks" and want to rule the whole earth, if they could get away with it.
But (and this is important) Looeamong chose a much higher spiritual doctrine than Gabiel. Remember, Looeamong had a higher grade than Gabriel because Looeamong was a "one time Lord" under Jehovih. Gabriel never had that high of a position. So, Looeamong was wiser than Gabriel.
Even though Looeamong (alias Christ) said that stuff about "Think not that I come to send peace on earth" etc., he also included the Ten Commandments of Moses in his doctrine, he taught that people should forgive other people their trespasses, to love your neighbor as yourself (some people think that is the next door neighbor's spouse) and to go into all the world teaching these doctrines in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Gabriel was basically a warrior, and so good at it, Looeamong chose him as his chief captain in charge of all war operations. When Gabriel inspired Mohammad to write the Koran, a much lower doctrine was given to all Muslims. Gabriel was good at this mind control stuff too but he taught isolationism, he taught war, he taught hell to all unbelievers who would not submit to him, he taught that all non-Muslims were infidels, not fit to associate with and stuff like that.
Now get this. Because Looeamong had taught a much higher doctrine than Gabriel, Christians all over the world are much better educated and live a much better life than Muslims in general, no doubt about that. Look at the large number of Muslims who are still under dictatorships. When Jehovih inspired the Europeans, mostly Christians, to migrate clear across the ocean for religious freedom, He also made sure the new nation of America had a democracy established as an example to all other nations to follow after. You can read all about that in Oahspe.
Both Looeamong and Gabriel were warriors intent on world domination but there is a basic difference between them in their approach to this goal. Looeamong's approached to war was to get rid of, what he saw, was evil things done to other people by other false gods. He was out to get rid of these evil gods and make himself a ruler over a much nicer world order where everybody got along and loved one another.
The U.S. Government has basically carried on this practice in their efforts to bring about peace, sometimes by military power. As a result, the USA has military bases in nations all around the world, not as occupiers but as stabilizers and liberators. The U.S. government has never occupied any country any longer than was necessary to bring about a better government for that country. That is who we are, read Oahspe and see for yourself. And thousands of very loyal Americans, down through history have given up their own lives to try to bring about a more decent world to live in.
We can never repay the debt we owe to all of those men and women who have
served and died for the freedoms we have all over this world.
Does this mean that our Government has always done the right things? No!
Our ideals are basically "right" but the way we have gone about doing what we must do, has not always been "right." However, when history mixes all the good we have done, with all the bad things we have done, the good will rise and shine, way above all of it.
Gabriel, was more for war's sake, to rule over other people like the TALIBAN that deprives people of their freedom and basic human rights that Americans have under our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Mohammad, under the inspiration of Gabriel, took up the sword and began conquering countries around him. This conquering went on after Mohammad died until the Ottoman Empire was established which included Palestine where Jesus was supposed to have been born. Muslims continued to conquer and were on their way to taking over Europe. Christians finally had enough of this business and they marched by the thousands over to Palestine and slaughtered all Muslims in Jerusalem.
This was called the first Crusade. Christians ruled Palestine for about 100 years until the Muslims again drove them out. Six times again, Christians tried to retake Palestine and failed. You can read all about this in "The Crusades" by Zo'e Oldenbourg and "The politically Incorrect Guide To Islam (And The Crusades)" by Robert Spencer.
The Israelites (Faithist) really are the chosen people of Jehovih because they believed in Him and worshiped Him, but many hundreds of years ago they decided to get a King instead and became warriors. What they didn't realize was they were under the inspiration of Gabriel. The history of the Israelites was actually written by their enemies, not by Moses, or anyone else, but a bunch of scribes under Ezra.
Even though there are things in the old testament that are true, there are so many mistakes, lies and exaggerations that it is basically a worthless book when it come to doctrine, history or anything else. Oahspe is a much better place for the history of the Israelites. Did Moses really kill that Egyptian? Did God actually part the Red Sea, letting the Israelites pass over and drowning the Egyptians? Did the plagues really happen? Did Moses really get the Ten Commandment on stone tables written by God? Read Oahspe, it's all there and a lot more.
The Jewish people have spread all over the world and because of bad treatment by so many people, they wanted a homeland of their own. That is when Zionism was born: the desire to return to Palestine.
So they began to move to Palestine and Israel was eventually made a legal state. This did not set well with the Arabs and Palestinians and there has been trouble there ever since. The Koran teaches Muslims that if a person is not a Muslim they will go to hell when they die and that all non Muslims are infidels and Muslims hate to see infidels in their country, unless they rule over them.
Osama bin Laden hated to see Americans in Saudi Arabia and hated to see our government side with Israel in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. Having millions of dollars to work with, he organized an attack on America and destroyed the Twin Towers in New York City along with almost 3000 people just going about their normal lives and innocent of anything at all.
All Americans were extremely shocked at what happened to us. Our government, military and intelligent agencies were unprepared for such a low tech way to attack. We woke up suddenly to the almost unlimited way an enemy can attack us.
Emergency legislation was rushed through Congress because something had to be done fast even though there was no time to question much of it all by members of Congress. A new department of Homeland Security had to be started because our enemies had an infinite number of ways to do us harm. So now our adjustment to homeland security is a massive job which will go on indefinitely.
Our military leaders have had to come up with an entirely different way to respond to all manner of potential attacks on our country. The average person in America, who works at their jobs and spends too much time at the "boob" tub, has no idea what is going on around the world which can effect their own secretary here at home.
The most asked question on the minds of Americans was, "Why do they hate us so much?" A great interest was generated on the Middle East and the Muslim religion because of what had happened. Because I had read Oahspe, the Koran and about the Crusades, I had a pretty good idea why we were attacked.
Our government went after Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan and went after terrorist organizations all over this world in cooperation with numerous other governments.
Our government had intelligence that connected Osama bin Laden with Saddam Hussein and that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. So America declared war on him.
This world will never have peace, as long as dictators and religious extremist cause trouble for the rest of the world. The leaders of all of the democracies must work together to contain, deal with, and encourage all dictators to give their people the freedom they deserve.
The main purpose of this "Love Letter to Charlotte Church" with ESFOMA, is to wake up all people on earth to the "causes" of all the problems we face now, and to empower all rational, decent people everywhere to do what you can do, in your own way, to solve the problems facing all of us now.
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