
Friday, May 15, 2009

Unlimited Source of Income

1. How would you like to have an unlimited source of income?

2. How would you like to be able to get money from any person or business you wanted to?

3. How would you like to be able to borrow all the money you wanted?

4. How would you like to have a printing press in your basement so you could print all the money you wanted?


1. They can force people and businesses to pay them money through taxes.

2. They can borrow all they want by selling government securities.

3. They can print all the money they want with their printing presses.

Must be nice to have that kind of power, but it's also FISCAL MADNESS when not handled properly.

When the government forces people and businesses to pay them money for big government projects, it takes money away from those who would rather spend that money on goods and services, which creates jobs, which brings in money to the Government through taxes.

So the smartest thing a government can do, is reduce taxes as much as possible so as to increase employment, so that their primary source of income is from taxes. This would reduce the borrowing and printing of money.

What tax cuts do:

1. When the government reduces taxes to the public, that causes the budget deficit to get worse, because less money is collected in taxes.

2. Then the public takes that money and spends it.

3. This causes the stores to run low on stock.

4. Then the stores have to reorder from their wholesalers and suppliers.

5. This causes the wholesalers and suppliers to run low on stock and they have to reorder more stuff from factories.

6. Then the factories have to hire people to make more stuff.

7. This allows people to go back to work and make money and pay taxes.

8. With that money coming in to the government, this reduces the budget deficit.

A budget deficit means that the government spends more money than it collects in taxes, so the government has to borrow money to make up the difference. They do this by selling treasuries called bonds.

How would you feel if you had to borrower to pay your bills?

When they borrow all that money, this increases the national debt. Then people and businesses must pay that back through taxes eventually.

When they print money, it puts more money into circulation but that reduces the spending power of money because of inflation.

Big government is also caused by the people, when they want more and more benefits from the government, which the people have to pay for in taxes anyway. The more that people depend on the government, the worse it gets, until we end up in some sort of socialist form of government where the government is like parents taking care of their children.

The more that people depend on the government, the less they depend on themselves, which weakens the whole nation. The more that people get from a government, the more they want.

The more that people depend on their own abilities, the stronger the nation becomes.

Six Types Government:

Socialism: You have two cows. The Government takes one and gives one to your neighbor.(Government takes money away from successful people who work for a living and gives to the lazy ones who won't.)

Communism: One party rules. You have two cows. The state takes both and divides up the milk equally among everyone. (Everyone gets paid the same amount, no matter how much you produce and how little other people produce.)

Fascism(Dictatorships): You have two cows. The state takes both and sells you some milk.

Nazism: You have two cows. The state takes both, shoots you and keeps them for the members of the party.

Bureaucratism: (The liberals.) You have two cows. The state takes both, shoots one, milks the other then throws the milk away.

Capitalism (The conservatives.) You have two cows. You milk one, sell the milk, then sell the other cow and buy a bull.

Which kind of Government would you rather have?

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