We are all born in a box, symbolically speaking. This box has six sides. Each side represents the six major influences that shaped who we are.
These six sides are as follows:
1. Our primary family which includes our parents, relatives and siblings.
2. Our extended family of associates which includes friends, coworkers, business associates, etc.
3. The religion or belief system we were raised in.
4. The nation and culture we grew up in.
5. The political beliefs we were taught or hold.
6. The diet we were raised in.
These six forces are what shaped us into the person we are today modified by our own thinking process and choices.
Because of this box, that we were raised in, it is very hard to make any changes in our lives because of the habits we have grown accustomed to.
Because of that:
1. Most people eat the way they were raised.
2. Most people stay in the religion they were taught.
3. Most people stay in the country they were born in.
4. Most people adhere to the politics of their parents.
5. Most people stay connected to their relatives.