1. How would you like to have an unlimited source of income?
2. How would you like to be able to get money from any person or business you wanted to?
3. How would you like to be able to borrow all the money you wanted?
4. How would you like to have a printing press in your basement so you could print all the money you wanted?
1. They can force people and businesses to pay them money through taxes.
2. They can borrow all they want by selling government securities.
3. They can print all the money they want with their printing presses.
Must be nice to have that kind of power, but it's also FISCAL MADNESS when not handled properly.
When the government forces people and businesses to pay them money for big government projects, it takes money away from those who would rather spend that money on goods and services, which creates jobs, which brings in money to the Government through taxes.
So the smartest thing a government can do, is reduce taxes as much as possible so as to increase employment, so that their primary source of income is from taxes. This would reduce the borrowing and printing of money.
What tax cuts do:
1. When the government reduces taxes to the public, that causes the budget deficit to get worse, because less money is collected in taxes.
2. Then the public takes that money and spends it.
3. This causes the stores to run low on stock.
4. Then the stores have to reorder from their wholesalers and suppliers.
5. This causes the wholesalers and suppliers to run low on stock and they have to reorder more stuff from factories.
6. Then the factories have to hire people to make more stuff.
7. This allows people to go back to work and make money and pay taxes.
8. With that money coming in to the government, this reduces the budget deficit.
A budget deficit means that the government spends more money than it collects in taxes, so the government has to borrow money to make up the difference. They do this by selling treasuries called bonds.
How would you feel if you had to borrower to pay your bills?
When they borrow all that money, this increases the national debt. Then people and businesses must pay that back through taxes eventually.
When they print money, it puts more money into circulation but that reduces the spending power of money because of inflation.
Big government is also caused by the people, when they want more and more benefits from the government, which the people have to pay for in taxes anyway. The more that people depend on the government, the worse it gets, until we end up in some sort of socialist form of government where the government is like parents taking care of their children.
The more that people depend on the government, the less they depend on themselves, which weakens the whole nation. The more that people get from a government, the more they want.
The more that people depend on their own abilities, the stronger the nation becomes.
Six Types Government:
Socialism: You have two cows. The Government takes one and gives one to your neighbor.(Government takes money away from successful people who work for a living and gives to the lazy ones who won't.)
Communism: One party rules. You have two cows. The state takes both and divides up the milk equally among everyone. (Everyone gets paid the same amount, no matter how much you produce and how little other people produce.)
Fascism(Dictatorships): You have two cows. The state takes both and sells you some milk.
Nazism: You have two cows. The state takes both, shoots you and keeps them for the members of the party.
Bureaucratism: (The liberals.) You have two cows. The state takes both, shoots one, milks the other then throws the milk away.
Capitalism (The conservatives.) You have two cows. You milk one, sell the milk, then sell the other cow and buy a bull.
Which kind of Government would you rather have?
Oahspe Says Esfoma Means 'Signs Of The Times, As Things Seem To Indicate and There Is Something In The Wind.' That Is The reason I Call Esfoma "The Winds Of Change".
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The National Economic Crises of 2008
As a citizen of the United States, I would like to give my opinion concerning the economic crises that we, as a nation, are facing now in the winter of 2008. I am not an economist, so this is an unprofessional view.
In my opinion, the crises we face right now, started on September 11, 2001 when the New York Trade Center towers were destroyed. This shocking episode in America caught everybody completely by surprise, because no one imagined we could ever be attacked in such a manner.
Because of this, our government had to spend a lot of money, setting up the Homeland Security Department and all the other things necessary to prepare for some other shocking attack.
America then went to war in Afghanistan looking for Osama bin Laden and other terrorists. A few months after that we went to war in Iraq. The cost of both of these wars, all these past seven years, has been staggering and it has all been added to the National debt.
Meanwhile, here at home, Americans were on a borrowing and spending spree. The stock market was going up, gold was going up, oil was going up and commodities were going up, all because of demand from consumers, businesses and governments.
I am 75 years old and I knew by experience that this boom could not last forever. What goes up, always comes down, sooner or later.
In any booming economy there are always abuses, and this time, all Americans, businesses and government got into the act. Even me.
Consumers borrowed on their credit cards and spent. They went way over into debt for new homes, cars, etc.
Banks were lending money to people for homes, who had little or nothing to put down. Pretty soon, the cost of everything was so high that the consumer went on a spending slow down or freeze. Gasoline was so high, people were riding buses, trains, bicycles, mopeds, or on foot to save money. Food prices were sky rocketing and so were other goods because of the unrealistic surge in the price of oil.
Housing prices peaked because they had finally been priced too high to buy any more. Also, when people buy new houses they also have to buy all those appliances, furniture etc. and they also stopped buying those things too.
Gasoline was so high people cut back spending on a lot of things. When this happens a domino effect sets in. People start to be laid off from their jobs. When that happens they can't pay the mortgage and they walked away from their homes. It all snowballed with bank failures because the banks were not getting paid by the borrowers.
I have seen lots of these booms and busts in my lifetime but this is the worst. Are we going to be able to pull out of this, with everybody either begging Washington for money or being bailed out by the government.
Who is to blame for all of this, George W. Bush?
He did not make anyone go into debt. He did not make anyone use their credit cards. He did not tell the banks to make risky loans. He did not make the hedge funds drive up the price of oil. He did not tell Osama bin Laden to kill all those people. He did not tell the hurricanes to strike America, etc.
But he gets the blame for everything because people have to blame someone instead of just facing the facts.
I wish someone would write a book entitled: "Look What Got Dumped On Bush".
Did he make any mistakes? Show me a person who hasn't. Could the war have been handled better? Could he have handled the hurricanes better? Could he have handled the economic crises better? Any Monday morning quarter-backer can answer that.
For the past several years there has been an international campaign of "Bush Bashing" of unprecedented criticism against one of our Presidents. It has been particularly harsh in our own main stream media. The main stream media has always been liberal and has always favored the democratic party. The main stream media did not want Bush to even win the presidency, so why would they support him at all. And they haven't.
I, for one, am not going to join in the unfair orgy of attacks on George W. Bush
In my opinion, the crises we face right now, started on September 11, 2001 when the New York Trade Center towers were destroyed. This shocking episode in America caught everybody completely by surprise, because no one imagined we could ever be attacked in such a manner.
Because of this, our government had to spend a lot of money, setting up the Homeland Security Department and all the other things necessary to prepare for some other shocking attack.
America then went to war in Afghanistan looking for Osama bin Laden and other terrorists. A few months after that we went to war in Iraq. The cost of both of these wars, all these past seven years, has been staggering and it has all been added to the National debt.
Meanwhile, here at home, Americans were on a borrowing and spending spree. The stock market was going up, gold was going up, oil was going up and commodities were going up, all because of demand from consumers, businesses and governments.
I am 75 years old and I knew by experience that this boom could not last forever. What goes up, always comes down, sooner or later.
In any booming economy there are always abuses, and this time, all Americans, businesses and government got into the act. Even me.
Consumers borrowed on their credit cards and spent. They went way over into debt for new homes, cars, etc.
Banks were lending money to people for homes, who had little or nothing to put down. Pretty soon, the cost of everything was so high that the consumer went on a spending slow down or freeze. Gasoline was so high, people were riding buses, trains, bicycles, mopeds, or on foot to save money. Food prices were sky rocketing and so were other goods because of the unrealistic surge in the price of oil.
Housing prices peaked because they had finally been priced too high to buy any more. Also, when people buy new houses they also have to buy all those appliances, furniture etc. and they also stopped buying those things too.
Gasoline was so high people cut back spending on a lot of things. When this happens a domino effect sets in. People start to be laid off from their jobs. When that happens they can't pay the mortgage and they walked away from their homes. It all snowballed with bank failures because the banks were not getting paid by the borrowers.
I have seen lots of these booms and busts in my lifetime but this is the worst. Are we going to be able to pull out of this, with everybody either begging Washington for money or being bailed out by the government.
Who is to blame for all of this, George W. Bush?
He did not make anyone go into debt. He did not make anyone use their credit cards. He did not tell the banks to make risky loans. He did not make the hedge funds drive up the price of oil. He did not tell Osama bin Laden to kill all those people. He did not tell the hurricanes to strike America, etc.
But he gets the blame for everything because people have to blame someone instead of just facing the facts.
I wish someone would write a book entitled: "Look What Got Dumped On Bush".
Did he make any mistakes? Show me a person who hasn't. Could the war have been handled better? Could he have handled the hurricanes better? Could he have handled the economic crises better? Any Monday morning quarter-backer can answer that.
For the past several years there has been an international campaign of "Bush Bashing" of unprecedented criticism against one of our Presidents. It has been particularly harsh in our own main stream media. The main stream media has always been liberal and has always favored the democratic party. The main stream media did not want Bush to even win the presidency, so why would they support him at all. And they haven't.
I, for one, am not going to join in the unfair orgy of attacks on George W. Bush
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Junk Food - Is Your Tongue Bigger Than Your Brain?
If you eat or drink anything, that you know is harmful to your health, then your desires are over powering your common sense, which means that your "tongue is bigger than your brain."
If you eat and drink only that which you know is good for your health, then your "brain is bigger than your tongue." You can have it both ways though, by finding out how to make healthy food taste just as good as junk food.
If you throw a party for a bunch of kids and put a big bowl of candy and a big bowl of nuts on a table, the kids will probably go for the candy a lot faster than for the nuts. When I took my kids "trick or treating" for the first time, they just about drove me "nuts" wanting to "pig out" on that candy. I felt like dumping the whole bunch, on the kitchen table, and let them eat themselves "sick" on that stuff, to teach them a lesson, but I didn't do it.
Most adults prefer cooked vegetables more than raw vegetables, but in so choosing the cooked over the raw, they are cheating themselves of life giving nutrients. What is the sense in eating a food that is basically dead when it comes to vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and enzymes. Even slightly steaming vegetables kills enzymes.
Without nutrients, your body will not function properly and when you get sick, if you are like the average person, instead of changing your diet to get well, you will go to a "drug pusher" called a doctor with an M.D. after his name and expect him to fix you up. He will give you drugs, which you probably do NOT need, instead of giving you nutrition which you DO need.
Imagine this "fictitious situation," which will NEVER happen but which SHOULD happen, every time a person goes to the "drug pushing' M.D. with a common cold, the flu,or sore throat.
Fictitious Situation In M.D.'s Office:
Patient enters the doctor's office and tells the receptionist what their problem is. The receptionist gives the patient a form to fill out, so that the patient can list all their symptoms and all foods and liquids, the patient can possible remember, that they have consumed in the past two weeks. Patient enters doctor's examining room. Doctor reads all that the patient has written down. Since he knows what foods, liquids and other things cause a person to become susceptible to the common cold and flu, he can immediately see where the patient has "caused" their own problem.
Invariably the patient has been eating such foods as white flour concoctions like as donuts, pie, cake, rolls, cookies, etc. These foods create an acid condition which causes a person to become susceptible to colds and the flu. This patient has also been eating hamburgs and other foods which combines starches and meat together which also causes a person to become over acid as well. This patient has also been consuming foods and liquids with sugar in them which is also acid forming. This patient has also been eating dairy products, especially cheese, which is very acid and mucous forming.
The doctor explains all this to the patient and gives her a booklet explaining all about acid and alkaline foods so that she can make better choices in her diet in the future. The doctor tells the patient to go to the store and buy some tomato juice, orange juice, oregano, hot sauce, onions, garlic and potato chips. He also tells the patient to go to a drug store and buy an enema bottle and attachments.
He tells the patient to fix hot tomato soup from the tomato juice, onions, garlic, oregano and hot sauce and eat "that only" for a day or two. He tells her to clean out her colon every other day as long as she is sick. After being on the tomato soup routine, he tells her to stay on orange juice "exclusively", and eat a few potato chips only if she really gets hungry, until she gets well. Some foods are acid outside the body but turn alkaline inside the body. Tomato juice is the most alkaline forming food I know of, inside the body.
Is this really the way to handle a cold or the flu? I am 75 years old. When I was about 30, my ex-wife and I had four young children who would get sick, now and then, including us. I got fed up with doctors experimenting on my kids with their drugs, especially antibiotics, and I decided to take the matter in to my own hands. I had already done a lot of research into the Edgar Cayce Readings on the common cold and flu and about that time I also found a small booklet written by a chiropractor entitled "Cure That Cold." Armed with this information and further reading as time went along, I found out what the cold and flu really are and applied that knowledge to treating all of us, when we got sick.
Several years later, I wrote a book on the subject and entitled it, "How To Cure Colds And The Flu The Natural Way." I typed the manuscript on a manual typewriter and ran off about 40 copies on a mimeograph machine, put a cover on it and just gave most of them away to people I knew. Someday I intend to republish that book on my computer. The common cold and flu are NOT what doctors tell you they are. Nobody can come down with either the cold or flu unless they make themselves susceptible in the first place and they do that by eating the wrong kinds of food, eating too much food, eating too fast, washing food down with liquids without proper chewing, etc.
Viruses are only one factor to causes a person to get sick IF they are susceptible. If viruses were the only thing causing a person to get sick, every doctor, nurse and all people in constant contact with sick people, in the performance of their professions, would be sick all the time.
M.D.'s do not get enough education on nutrition in medical school to even fill a tea cup. I personally know a lot more about nutrition than any M.D. alive unless he has done the research since leaving medical school. In my 50 years of studying health related information I have read hundreds of books and subscribed to the best news letters I could get my hands on. One time while I was in a doctor's office I asked him if he knew what probiotics were. He said he didn't--which to me is shocking proof how ignorant the average M.D. is about natural supplements. He knows all about antibiotics but nothing about probiotics.
Antibiotics kill bacteria, the good kind and the bad kind. Probiotics are the good bacteria we need in our bodies to kill off bad bacteria the natural way. He did not know the natural way to kill bad bacteria using probiotics, he only knew about killing bad bacteria AND good bacteria as well, using antibiotics. Now that I have told you that, you are now smarter than the doctor you are being treated by, concerning this subject. See how easy it is to be natural. Probiotic means "for life" and antibiotic means "against life."
I personally would rather be "rich in health" than "rich in money" because life is not worth living without good health.
If you want to know the natural way to eat, go here: http://www.gods-diet.com
If you eat and drink only that which you know is good for your health, then your "brain is bigger than your tongue." You can have it both ways though, by finding out how to make healthy food taste just as good as junk food.
If you throw a party for a bunch of kids and put a big bowl of candy and a big bowl of nuts on a table, the kids will probably go for the candy a lot faster than for the nuts. When I took my kids "trick or treating" for the first time, they just about drove me "nuts" wanting to "pig out" on that candy. I felt like dumping the whole bunch, on the kitchen table, and let them eat themselves "sick" on that stuff, to teach them a lesson, but I didn't do it.
Most adults prefer cooked vegetables more than raw vegetables, but in so choosing the cooked over the raw, they are cheating themselves of life giving nutrients. What is the sense in eating a food that is basically dead when it comes to vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and enzymes. Even slightly steaming vegetables kills enzymes.
Without nutrients, your body will not function properly and when you get sick, if you are like the average person, instead of changing your diet to get well, you will go to a "drug pusher" called a doctor with an M.D. after his name and expect him to fix you up. He will give you drugs, which you probably do NOT need, instead of giving you nutrition which you DO need.
Imagine this "fictitious situation," which will NEVER happen but which SHOULD happen, every time a person goes to the "drug pushing' M.D. with a common cold, the flu,or sore throat.
Fictitious Situation In M.D.'s Office:
Patient enters the doctor's office and tells the receptionist what their problem is. The receptionist gives the patient a form to fill out, so that the patient can list all their symptoms and all foods and liquids, the patient can possible remember, that they have consumed in the past two weeks. Patient enters doctor's examining room. Doctor reads all that the patient has written down. Since he knows what foods, liquids and other things cause a person to become susceptible to the common cold and flu, he can immediately see where the patient has "caused" their own problem.
Invariably the patient has been eating such foods as white flour concoctions like as donuts, pie, cake, rolls, cookies, etc. These foods create an acid condition which causes a person to become susceptible to colds and the flu. This patient has also been eating hamburgs and other foods which combines starches and meat together which also causes a person to become over acid as well. This patient has also been consuming foods and liquids with sugar in them which is also acid forming. This patient has also been eating dairy products, especially cheese, which is very acid and mucous forming.
The doctor explains all this to the patient and gives her a booklet explaining all about acid and alkaline foods so that she can make better choices in her diet in the future. The doctor tells the patient to go to the store and buy some tomato juice, orange juice, oregano, hot sauce, onions, garlic and potato chips. He also tells the patient to go to a drug store and buy an enema bottle and attachments.
He tells the patient to fix hot tomato soup from the tomato juice, onions, garlic, oregano and hot sauce and eat "that only" for a day or two. He tells her to clean out her colon every other day as long as she is sick. After being on the tomato soup routine, he tells her to stay on orange juice "exclusively", and eat a few potato chips only if she really gets hungry, until she gets well. Some foods are acid outside the body but turn alkaline inside the body. Tomato juice is the most alkaline forming food I know of, inside the body.
Is this really the way to handle a cold or the flu? I am 75 years old. When I was about 30, my ex-wife and I had four young children who would get sick, now and then, including us. I got fed up with doctors experimenting on my kids with their drugs, especially antibiotics, and I decided to take the matter in to my own hands. I had already done a lot of research into the Edgar Cayce Readings on the common cold and flu and about that time I also found a small booklet written by a chiropractor entitled "Cure That Cold." Armed with this information and further reading as time went along, I found out what the cold and flu really are and applied that knowledge to treating all of us, when we got sick.
Several years later, I wrote a book on the subject and entitled it, "How To Cure Colds And The Flu The Natural Way." I typed the manuscript on a manual typewriter and ran off about 40 copies on a mimeograph machine, put a cover on it and just gave most of them away to people I knew. Someday I intend to republish that book on my computer. The common cold and flu are NOT what doctors tell you they are. Nobody can come down with either the cold or flu unless they make themselves susceptible in the first place and they do that by eating the wrong kinds of food, eating too much food, eating too fast, washing food down with liquids without proper chewing, etc.
Viruses are only one factor to causes a person to get sick IF they are susceptible. If viruses were the only thing causing a person to get sick, every doctor, nurse and all people in constant contact with sick people, in the performance of their professions, would be sick all the time.
M.D.'s do not get enough education on nutrition in medical school to even fill a tea cup. I personally know a lot more about nutrition than any M.D. alive unless he has done the research since leaving medical school. In my 50 years of studying health related information I have read hundreds of books and subscribed to the best news letters I could get my hands on. One time while I was in a doctor's office I asked him if he knew what probiotics were. He said he didn't--which to me is shocking proof how ignorant the average M.D. is about natural supplements. He knows all about antibiotics but nothing about probiotics.
Antibiotics kill bacteria, the good kind and the bad kind. Probiotics are the good bacteria we need in our bodies to kill off bad bacteria the natural way. He did not know the natural way to kill bad bacteria using probiotics, he only knew about killing bad bacteria AND good bacteria as well, using antibiotics. Now that I have told you that, you are now smarter than the doctor you are being treated by, concerning this subject. See how easy it is to be natural. Probiotic means "for life" and antibiotic means "against life."
I personally would rather be "rich in health" than "rich in money" because life is not worth living without good health.
If you want to know the natural way to eat, go here: http://www.gods-diet.com
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Your Boss - A Supervisor Or Dictator?
A SUPERVISOR, is a person, in charge of other people, who makes sure, that he knows what is on the minds of the people he has authority over. He knows, for a fact, that without the support of the people under him, nothing of any importance will ever be accomplished.
Even though he is in charge, he wants the willing cooperation of those he will be supervising. He knows that even the most junior person in his organization is an important part of the over all operation of what they all are trying to accomplish. He knows that if he does not take into consideration the ideas and feelings of those he has authority over, these subordinates will not be so willing to go along with his leadership. He knows that even though he in charge of operations, that his job is no more important than anybody else's job.
Everybody's job is important, no matter how lowly some jobs seem to be. If you think I am kidding you, just try to get along without janitors and garbage collectors for a while, and you will see what I am talking about.
A DICTATOR, is a person, in charge of other people, who makes sure, that the people he has authority over, know what is on HIS mind. A dictator is a person, on nothing more that an EGO TRIP. He doesn't give a damn what his subordinates think about anything except carrying out his orders regardless of their feelings, ideas, etc.
Dictators are self absorbed and are motivated primarily by self interest rather than the interest of anyone else. The only input that he wants from others would be along the lines of his own ideas, and loves to be surrounded by yes-men and yes-women.
Sooner or later, dictators are always overthrown, because the people under them, cannot forever suppressed the desire to live their own lives, to be free from a power that does not give them the freedom to be an intelligent and open contributor to the operation, to which they are a part.
The difference between the two powers above is the reason why, down through history, dictators and centrally controlled governments, eventually fail because, sooner or later, people will rise up and demand their right to be HEARD.
As a Faithist, we of this religion, know that this is the reason why all false gods, sooner or later, ended up in HELL in the spirit world, along with their worshipers. This is because these false gods have lied to all their worshipers and followers and told them that they were their creator and that they were perfect.
Eventually, something comes up, to prove to these worshipers, that this god, that they have been worshiping and serving is NOT perfect, as he has always claimed. And, in a mad rush, they all attack him, and the whole mass of worshipers and followers, are immersed, in what is called a KNOT of screaming, wailing madness of hate and fury against this false god.
Because of the years they have spent devoted to a LIAR of a false god, and because this false god has told them he is the most Highest God, these worshipers have NO PLACE TO GO, but to this false god to vent their eternal vengeance against him. This is the reason that the Chief God, Jehovih's Son and millions of High Raised Angel Host had to deliver these hells and take the victims to some heavenly plateau or they could NEVER HAVE ESCAPED THEIR TORMENTS.
You can read all about this in the Faithist Bible, Oahspe, the only Bible God Himself ever wrote.
Read Oahspe for the truth about gods, saviours, hell, heaven, abortion, lightening, resurrection, reincarnation, evolution, wars, charity, spiritualism and hundreds of other topics. Oahspe is a history book going back over 78,000 years. http://www.oahspe.org
Even though he is in charge, he wants the willing cooperation of those he will be supervising. He knows that even the most junior person in his organization is an important part of the over all operation of what they all are trying to accomplish. He knows that if he does not take into consideration the ideas and feelings of those he has authority over, these subordinates will not be so willing to go along with his leadership. He knows that even though he in charge of operations, that his job is no more important than anybody else's job.
Everybody's job is important, no matter how lowly some jobs seem to be. If you think I am kidding you, just try to get along without janitors and garbage collectors for a while, and you will see what I am talking about.
A DICTATOR, is a person, in charge of other people, who makes sure, that the people he has authority over, know what is on HIS mind. A dictator is a person, on nothing more that an EGO TRIP. He doesn't give a damn what his subordinates think about anything except carrying out his orders regardless of their feelings, ideas, etc.
Dictators are self absorbed and are motivated primarily by self interest rather than the interest of anyone else. The only input that he wants from others would be along the lines of his own ideas, and loves to be surrounded by yes-men and yes-women.
Sooner or later, dictators are always overthrown, because the people under them, cannot forever suppressed the desire to live their own lives, to be free from a power that does not give them the freedom to be an intelligent and open contributor to the operation, to which they are a part.
The difference between the two powers above is the reason why, down through history, dictators and centrally controlled governments, eventually fail because, sooner or later, people will rise up and demand their right to be HEARD.
As a Faithist, we of this religion, know that this is the reason why all false gods, sooner or later, ended up in HELL in the spirit world, along with their worshipers. This is because these false gods have lied to all their worshipers and followers and told them that they were their creator and that they were perfect.
Eventually, something comes up, to prove to these worshipers, that this god, that they have been worshiping and serving is NOT perfect, as he has always claimed. And, in a mad rush, they all attack him, and the whole mass of worshipers and followers, are immersed, in what is called a KNOT of screaming, wailing madness of hate and fury against this false god.
Because of the years they have spent devoted to a LIAR of a false god, and because this false god has told them he is the most Highest God, these worshipers have NO PLACE TO GO, but to this false god to vent their eternal vengeance against him. This is the reason that the Chief God, Jehovih's Son and millions of High Raised Angel Host had to deliver these hells and take the victims to some heavenly plateau or they could NEVER HAVE ESCAPED THEIR TORMENTS.
You can read all about this in the Faithist Bible, Oahspe, the only Bible God Himself ever wrote.
Read Oahspe for the truth about gods, saviours, hell, heaven, abortion, lightening, resurrection, reincarnation, evolution, wars, charity, spiritualism and hundreds of other topics. Oahspe is a history book going back over 78,000 years. http://www.oahspe.org
Monday, May 11, 2009
Union Leaders: Do Some of Them Go to Hell?
Barney, who had been a union leader most of his working life, suddenly died and when he entered the spirit world he figured since he had done so much to help the common worker, he should receive a warm welcome in heaven.
So he set off for the Holy Hill where heaven was. When he got there the gates to heaven were closed. Undaunted he knocked at the golden gates. No one answered. He knocked again and still, no one answered. Well, Barney had dealt with tough people all his life including the managers of giant corporations, so he just kept knocking and knocking and pretty soon his knocking turned into pounding.
Suddenly the Golden Gates opened and there stood St. Peter.
St. Peter asked: Why are you pounding on these Golden Gates?
Barney said: Because I want to go to heaven.
St. Peter: You can't go to heaven.
Barney: Why not?
St. Peter: Because as a union organizer and union leader, you caused several companies to go broke, getting all your members to keep making more and more demands on the companies, until they could no longer function and all those workers lost their jobs.
Barney: Workers have the right to get as much from the company as they can, just like those CEO's "pig out" with all those perks, extremely high salaries and those golden parachutes that even pay them when the company goes broke.
St Peter: I will deal with them they same as I deal with people like you. Whereupon St. Peter immediately sent Barney to hell.
Well, when Barney got to hell, he was mad as hell, to say the least. Also he was shocked to find out hell was not like the bible said it was. Here were billions of people who were sent here because of the way they had lived their lives. Instead of lakes of fire he saw that people were fenced into extremely large areas that had walls of fire to keep those people in there. He also saw that Satan's angels forced people to do the bad things they had done in life, over and over, until they got sick and tired of their bad habits.
For instance, people who gorged themselves on junk food had to eat that stuff until they got sick and threw up and Satan's angels made them keep doing that over and over until they learned their lesson.
Satan's angels would make those abortionist doctors watch movies of abortions over and over until some of them lost their minds and were sent off to insane asylums.
As Barney was watching all of this going on he was appalled at the merciless actions of all those satanic spirits and was wondering what they would do to him.
Well, Barney never was the type to just give up and accept his fate and began trying to find a way out of hell. He suddenly had an idea. He went to several of the people he had met there and ask them how many people did they figure were in hell. They all said many billions. Then he asked them how many angels did Satan have and they told him millions.
Well, "billions of people" sure out-number "millions of Satan's angels." So he got this idea, where he could put his organizing talents to work and unionize all these people in hell and at a preset time, the people would rebel against Satan and his angels and throw "them" in hell, and set themselves free.
And that is exactly what Barney did.
But St. Peter found out what Barney had done and he was furious. He told Barney that he was going to get a lawyer and sue him.
Whereupon Barney told St. Peter he was out of luck, because hell was now--out of his jurisdiction.
Conclusion: Is this what hell is really like? There are many different religions in the world today, all claiming to know what the after life is all about. Each one of these religions have their own Holy Books. All of these Holy Books were written under the inspiration of some spiritual source but only one of them was written by God Himself and that is Oahspe.
Also, every one of those Holy Books, except Oahspe, was written BEFORE there was a printing press, and therefore "none of those" can be trusted to be the original text, in existence today. The handwritten documents, by scribes, were sometimes deliberately altered, to suit their own views, and considerable mistakes were made. Even today, mistakes and typos happen, not to mention the considerable disagreement, concerning the individual interpretation of scripture, by each person on earth.
Oahspe was printed on a printing press, in 1882 and 1891.
Proof that Oahspe was written by God Himself is as follows:
1. The information in Oahspe cannot be found at any other source except in Oahspe. God says that what is in Oahspe came from the libraries in heaven.
2. There is scientific information in Oahspe that was revealed long before man on earth ever found out about it. "So called" scientific facts of today are wrong, according to Oahspe.
For instance:
A. Evolution is junk science.
Direct quote from Jehovih in Oahspe on evolution:
9. Each and every living thing created I new upon the earth, of a kind each to itself; and not one living thing created I out of another.
10. Let a sign be upon the earth, that man in his darkness may not believe that one animal changeth and becometh another.
11. Thereupon Jehovih gave permission for different animals to bring forth a new living animal, which should be unlike either its mother or father, but he caused the new product to be barren. (For instance, the Mule: Ed.)
12. Jehovih said: And this shall be testimony before all men that I created each and all the living, after their own kind only.
B. Gravity is a force pushing us down, not the opposite.
C. Heat from the sun does not come to earth like a Pot Bellied Stove in the form of radiation.
Direct Oahspe Quote On The Sun:
38. Wherein they have taught erroneously that heat cometh from the sun. As may be proved in all the earth that heat (so-called) is evolved at the expense of destroying something, which is, in general, called combustion. And there is not in all the universe anything that can give off forever without receiving a supply forever. Heat had to be stored up in the first place in anything in heaven or earth before it could be liberated.
39. Though a man burn a stick of wood, he can produce no more heat therefrom than what was stored therein.
40. Allowing the sun to be four and a half millions of miles in diameter, and to be of the best quality of a diamond. Give it even fifty percent of the burning capacity, and it would be entirely consumed in eighty thousand years! And yet the sun is not of any such quality as a diamond. Even not more so in quality than is the earth. But suppose it were even as a diamond, or as the highest conceived-of centre of heat; then that heat had to be previously given to it. Whence came it? To suppose that heat existeth of itself is folly; to suppose that heat can be produced forever without supply is not supported by any fact in heaven or earth.
D. The tides are not caused by the moon.
E. There is no such thing as the magnetic north pole.
F. Abortion is murder because each person begins their life at conception.
Direct quote from Jehovih in Oahspe, concerning when human life begins:
21. As I have quickened the seed of the first born, so will I quicken all seed to the end of the earth. And each and every man-child and woman-child born into life will I quicken with a new spirit, which shall proceed out of Me at the time of conception. Neither will I give to any spirit of the higher or lower heaven power to enter a womb, or a fetus of a womb, and be born again.
22. As the corporeal earth passeth away, so shall pass away the first race Asu; but as I pass not away, so shall not pass away the spirit of man.
G. The Big Bang Theory is just plain "bunk".
H. Oahspe says that light does not travel at all.
Man's observation's, about all of these forces, are from HIS PERSPECTIVE and not from God's. It is the same "perspective" that caused early man to look out on the ocean and think that if someone were to go too far out, they would fall off the edge.
3. Oahspe makes many predictions that are still coming true and will continue to do so for the next 3000 years to the end of the cycle we are now in and beyond even that.
4. The writing style in Oahspe is unique to God just like the writing style is unique to all authors. God says you can tell that He wrote this book by the way He frames His words.
5. The historical time-line in Oahspe matches perfectly to the time-line of history books on earth.
So, if you want to know what heaven and hell is like and just about anything else concerning what has been happening on earth and in heaven for the past 78,000 years, just read Oahspe. http://www.oahspe.org
So he set off for the Holy Hill where heaven was. When he got there the gates to heaven were closed. Undaunted he knocked at the golden gates. No one answered. He knocked again and still, no one answered. Well, Barney had dealt with tough people all his life including the managers of giant corporations, so he just kept knocking and knocking and pretty soon his knocking turned into pounding.
Suddenly the Golden Gates opened and there stood St. Peter.
St. Peter asked: Why are you pounding on these Golden Gates?
Barney said: Because I want to go to heaven.
St. Peter: You can't go to heaven.
Barney: Why not?
St. Peter: Because as a union organizer and union leader, you caused several companies to go broke, getting all your members to keep making more and more demands on the companies, until they could no longer function and all those workers lost their jobs.
Barney: Workers have the right to get as much from the company as they can, just like those CEO's "pig out" with all those perks, extremely high salaries and those golden parachutes that even pay them when the company goes broke.
St Peter: I will deal with them they same as I deal with people like you. Whereupon St. Peter immediately sent Barney to hell.
Well, when Barney got to hell, he was mad as hell, to say the least. Also he was shocked to find out hell was not like the bible said it was. Here were billions of people who were sent here because of the way they had lived their lives. Instead of lakes of fire he saw that people were fenced into extremely large areas that had walls of fire to keep those people in there. He also saw that Satan's angels forced people to do the bad things they had done in life, over and over, until they got sick and tired of their bad habits.
For instance, people who gorged themselves on junk food had to eat that stuff until they got sick and threw up and Satan's angels made them keep doing that over and over until they learned their lesson.
Satan's angels would make those abortionist doctors watch movies of abortions over and over until some of them lost their minds and were sent off to insane asylums.
As Barney was watching all of this going on he was appalled at the merciless actions of all those satanic spirits and was wondering what they would do to him.
Well, Barney never was the type to just give up and accept his fate and began trying to find a way out of hell. He suddenly had an idea. He went to several of the people he had met there and ask them how many people did they figure were in hell. They all said many billions. Then he asked them how many angels did Satan have and they told him millions.
Well, "billions of people" sure out-number "millions of Satan's angels." So he got this idea, where he could put his organizing talents to work and unionize all these people in hell and at a preset time, the people would rebel against Satan and his angels and throw "them" in hell, and set themselves free.
And that is exactly what Barney did.
But St. Peter found out what Barney had done and he was furious. He told Barney that he was going to get a lawyer and sue him.
Whereupon Barney told St. Peter he was out of luck, because hell was now--out of his jurisdiction.
Conclusion: Is this what hell is really like? There are many different religions in the world today, all claiming to know what the after life is all about. Each one of these religions have their own Holy Books. All of these Holy Books were written under the inspiration of some spiritual source but only one of them was written by God Himself and that is Oahspe.
Also, every one of those Holy Books, except Oahspe, was written BEFORE there was a printing press, and therefore "none of those" can be trusted to be the original text, in existence today. The handwritten documents, by scribes, were sometimes deliberately altered, to suit their own views, and considerable mistakes were made. Even today, mistakes and typos happen, not to mention the considerable disagreement, concerning the individual interpretation of scripture, by each person on earth.
Oahspe was printed on a printing press, in 1882 and 1891.
Proof that Oahspe was written by God Himself is as follows:
1. The information in Oahspe cannot be found at any other source except in Oahspe. God says that what is in Oahspe came from the libraries in heaven.
2. There is scientific information in Oahspe that was revealed long before man on earth ever found out about it. "So called" scientific facts of today are wrong, according to Oahspe.
For instance:
A. Evolution is junk science.
Direct quote from Jehovih in Oahspe on evolution:
9. Each and every living thing created I new upon the earth, of a kind each to itself; and not one living thing created I out of another.
10. Let a sign be upon the earth, that man in his darkness may not believe that one animal changeth and becometh another.
11. Thereupon Jehovih gave permission for different animals to bring forth a new living animal, which should be unlike either its mother or father, but he caused the new product to be barren. (For instance, the Mule: Ed.)
12. Jehovih said: And this shall be testimony before all men that I created each and all the living, after their own kind only.
B. Gravity is a force pushing us down, not the opposite.
C. Heat from the sun does not come to earth like a Pot Bellied Stove in the form of radiation.
Direct Oahspe Quote On The Sun:
38. Wherein they have taught erroneously that heat cometh from the sun. As may be proved in all the earth that heat (so-called) is evolved at the expense of destroying something, which is, in general, called combustion. And there is not in all the universe anything that can give off forever without receiving a supply forever. Heat had to be stored up in the first place in anything in heaven or earth before it could be liberated.
39. Though a man burn a stick of wood, he can produce no more heat therefrom than what was stored therein.
40. Allowing the sun to be four and a half millions of miles in diameter, and to be of the best quality of a diamond. Give it even fifty percent of the burning capacity, and it would be entirely consumed in eighty thousand years! And yet the sun is not of any such quality as a diamond. Even not more so in quality than is the earth. But suppose it were even as a diamond, or as the highest conceived-of centre of heat; then that heat had to be previously given to it. Whence came it? To suppose that heat existeth of itself is folly; to suppose that heat can be produced forever without supply is not supported by any fact in heaven or earth.
D. The tides are not caused by the moon.
E. There is no such thing as the magnetic north pole.
F. Abortion is murder because each person begins their life at conception.
Direct quote from Jehovih in Oahspe, concerning when human life begins:
21. As I have quickened the seed of the first born, so will I quicken all seed to the end of the earth. And each and every man-child and woman-child born into life will I quicken with a new spirit, which shall proceed out of Me at the time of conception. Neither will I give to any spirit of the higher or lower heaven power to enter a womb, or a fetus of a womb, and be born again.
22. As the corporeal earth passeth away, so shall pass away the first race Asu; but as I pass not away, so shall not pass away the spirit of man.
G. The Big Bang Theory is just plain "bunk".
H. Oahspe says that light does not travel at all.
Man's observation's, about all of these forces, are from HIS PERSPECTIVE and not from God's. It is the same "perspective" that caused early man to look out on the ocean and think that if someone were to go too far out, they would fall off the edge.
3. Oahspe makes many predictions that are still coming true and will continue to do so for the next 3000 years to the end of the cycle we are now in and beyond even that.
4. The writing style in Oahspe is unique to God just like the writing style is unique to all authors. God says you can tell that He wrote this book by the way He frames His words.
5. The historical time-line in Oahspe matches perfectly to the time-line of history books on earth.
So, if you want to know what heaven and hell is like and just about anything else concerning what has been happening on earth and in heaven for the past 78,000 years, just read Oahspe. http://www.oahspe.org
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Story of Creation From Oahspe - The Faithist Bible
First there is the Creator, Jehovih, then His creation, and there is nothing else. What does this mean? Simply put, nothing can create or make itself and since nothing "just happens", without a cause, then He is the cause or Creator of all.
Jehovih is a Great Spirit that fills all space. Everything is inside of Him. Everything is a part of Him. The Universe, which comprises everything, is endless. Mortals cannot comprehend this, because mortals have finite (limited) minds. But Jehovih has an infinite mind, that we mortals will never understand.
The Universe is filled with countless stars, really suns, which have planets revolving around them, which are called solar systems. In each of these solar systems, is at least one planet which has human life, of some sort. Some of these humans are so far developed, that war is unheard of and some can even travel to distant start systems, at will.
At the beginning of our lives, as an embryo, Jehovih gives a tiny part His Spiritual Self to us, which gives us eternal life also. We are created with this ability, but this can be taken away by adults, especially parents, who do not believe in some sort of God or some sort of life after death. In this case, the unbelieving spirit might be annihilated, never to be seen again.
Down through history, in order to lift mankind up, Jehovih and His Holy Angels, have sent to earth, certain men who are called Great Leaders Forth.
When humans die (get out of their bodies) they are actually born into the spiritual world. Each person then goes on for further development in schools, colleges, etc. Over many hundreds of years, certain spirits evolve to become Gods, Goddess, Lords, etc. who rule over entire planets, or sections of planets, for certain periods of time.
In every one of these star systems (solar systems) there always emerges certain Lords, under Jehovih, who get impatient with the Creator, to clean up the earth of thousands of dictatorial man-gods (false gods) who enslave mortals, for their own use.
This same thing happened on earth, which the angels call THE RED STAR. These Lords, who broke away from Jehovih and His Chief God, formed a confederacy, and since there were three of them, they called themselves The Trinity and claimed to be worshipers of The Holy Ghost (Jehovih). When Jehovih saw that they called Him a "ghost", He said, "I am not a ghost, I am a Person" .
The first thing these rebels did, was to clean up the earth, of all those petty false gods and throw all of them and their worshipers into hells that they created for that purpose. These hells were not lakes of fire, but huge areas that were walled around by fire, so all could not escape and they put poisonous gases in there, to torment their prisoners continually.
After that, these rebellious Lords, now started telling earth people that they were the creator and this made them FALSE GODS. They then started warring with each other trying to be the "TOP DOG" and throw all the other false gods in hell and be THE RULER over all the earth. After warring with each other for hundreds of years, they finally called a truce and portioned off the earth and settled down to "a sort of peace" with each other.
Meanwhile, when they had been fighting each other, Jehovih had been sending his Great Leaders Forth to earth to teach mortals about Him, their Creator. When the false gods saw what Jehovih had done, they decided to declare war on Him and all those who worshiped Him. They also sent to earth 49 saviors, to various parts of the earth, to teach mortals to worship the Trinity and the Holy Ghost. All of these were put to death ignobly, by being poisoned, burned to death, etc. and 16 were crucified.
Ref: "The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors-Christianity Before Christ" by Kersey Graves and Acharya S.
So the struggle for the hearts and minds of mortals went on for a long time. Finally Jehovih and his angels inspired Europeans to go across the ocean to a new land, to found a nation (America) with religious freedom. So that was done.
Then, at the beginning of the 1800's, Jehovih had His Chief God throw all of these false gods and all of their worshipers in hell. After leaving all of them in these hells for a season, He had His Chief God, and millions of angels, take all of them out of there, to heavenly plateaus for healing.
After that Jehovih had all of the false gods brought before His Chief God for judgment. These false gods were told that since they had caused all of these people to fall down and worship them, they were now responsible for their resurrection.
Even now on earth there are great problems between these religions, especially the Christian, Muslim and Jewish. God only knows when peace will ever come to earth, but one thing I am sure of is this:
Peace on earth will "not come" until all of the dictators and leftest governments are overthrown and all extremist religious attitudes of all religions, are done away with.
Read Oahspe, the greatest book on earth today, going back over 78,000 years of earth and heavenly history at: http://www.oahspe.org
Jehovih is a Great Spirit that fills all space. Everything is inside of Him. Everything is a part of Him. The Universe, which comprises everything, is endless. Mortals cannot comprehend this, because mortals have finite (limited) minds. But Jehovih has an infinite mind, that we mortals will never understand.
The Universe is filled with countless stars, really suns, which have planets revolving around them, which are called solar systems. In each of these solar systems, is at least one planet which has human life, of some sort. Some of these humans are so far developed, that war is unheard of and some can even travel to distant start systems, at will.
At the beginning of our lives, as an embryo, Jehovih gives a tiny part His Spiritual Self to us, which gives us eternal life also. We are created with this ability, but this can be taken away by adults, especially parents, who do not believe in some sort of God or some sort of life after death. In this case, the unbelieving spirit might be annihilated, never to be seen again.
Down through history, in order to lift mankind up, Jehovih and His Holy Angels, have sent to earth, certain men who are called Great Leaders Forth.
When humans die (get out of their bodies) they are actually born into the spiritual world. Each person then goes on for further development in schools, colleges, etc. Over many hundreds of years, certain spirits evolve to become Gods, Goddess, Lords, etc. who rule over entire planets, or sections of planets, for certain periods of time.
In every one of these star systems (solar systems) there always emerges certain Lords, under Jehovih, who get impatient with the Creator, to clean up the earth of thousands of dictatorial man-gods (false gods) who enslave mortals, for their own use.
This same thing happened on earth, which the angels call THE RED STAR. These Lords, who broke away from Jehovih and His Chief God, formed a confederacy, and since there were three of them, they called themselves The Trinity and claimed to be worshipers of The Holy Ghost (Jehovih). When Jehovih saw that they called Him a "ghost", He said, "I am not a ghost, I am a Person" .
The first thing these rebels did, was to clean up the earth, of all those petty false gods and throw all of them and their worshipers into hells that they created for that purpose. These hells were not lakes of fire, but huge areas that were walled around by fire, so all could not escape and they put poisonous gases in there, to torment their prisoners continually.
After that, these rebellious Lords, now started telling earth people that they were the creator and this made them FALSE GODS. They then started warring with each other trying to be the "TOP DOG" and throw all the other false gods in hell and be THE RULER over all the earth. After warring with each other for hundreds of years, they finally called a truce and portioned off the earth and settled down to "a sort of peace" with each other.
Meanwhile, when they had been fighting each other, Jehovih had been sending his Great Leaders Forth to earth to teach mortals about Him, their Creator. When the false gods saw what Jehovih had done, they decided to declare war on Him and all those who worshiped Him. They also sent to earth 49 saviors, to various parts of the earth, to teach mortals to worship the Trinity and the Holy Ghost. All of these were put to death ignobly, by being poisoned, burned to death, etc. and 16 were crucified.
Ref: "The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors-Christianity Before Christ" by Kersey Graves and Acharya S.
So the struggle for the hearts and minds of mortals went on for a long time. Finally Jehovih and his angels inspired Europeans to go across the ocean to a new land, to found a nation (America) with religious freedom. So that was done.
Then, at the beginning of the 1800's, Jehovih had His Chief God throw all of these false gods and all of their worshipers in hell. After leaving all of them in these hells for a season, He had His Chief God, and millions of angels, take all of them out of there, to heavenly plateaus for healing.
After that Jehovih had all of the false gods brought before His Chief God for judgment. These false gods were told that since they had caused all of these people to fall down and worship them, they were now responsible for their resurrection.
Even now on earth there are great problems between these religions, especially the Christian, Muslim and Jewish. God only knows when peace will ever come to earth, but one thing I am sure of is this:
Peace on earth will "not come" until all of the dictators and leftest governments are overthrown and all extremist religious attitudes of all religions, are done away with.
Read Oahspe, the greatest book on earth today, going back over 78,000 years of earth and heavenly history at: http://www.oahspe.org
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Is There a Conspiacy Between Furniture Makers and Chiropractors?
In a small town in rural America, many years ago, a local chiropractor and furniture maker were out on the town one evening, when the conversation turned to their respective businesses. Both were unhappy with the level of business and income that was coming their way.
They were discussing what could be done to bring in more business, when the chiropractor came up with a "brilliant idea" to increase both of their incomes. Since this conversation occurred back in the days when people had never heard about soft, overstuffed chairs and couches, people sat up properly in straight back chairs and living room furniture.
The chiropractor knew, that as long as people sat properly and slept properly, then their spines would not get out of whack and need him to adjust them. So he talked the furniture maker into coming out with soft, easy, overstuffed chairs and couches. People would buy these because they were more comfortable to relax in after a long days work at their jobs.
The furniture maker went for that idea because he knew people would buy them. So the deal was on. It wasn't long after the furniture maker started making this new type of furniture, when people started having trouble with their backs and needed the chiropractor to adjust them and business started to boom for these men.
Over the years, business expanded enormously for both of them and their industries, and today--job losses and work time that is lost...runs into the millions of hours and the cost to this nation is staggering, added to the pain that all these people go through.
Conclusion: Is this conspiracy story true? No, but the reality of what has happened certainly is. Back pain and other back problems are the first cause of being off from work, causing companies billions of dollars each year in lost man hours and sky rocketing insurance claims.
Back problems are also caused by companies themselves with their work related job functions which cause back pain. The primary one being the chairs employees are required to sit in. I worked in a doctor's office at one time and the chairs that those nurses and office workers had to sit on was nothing short of physical torture. The office manager was required to sit in a chair that was too low and she developed a slipped disk, which caused her to have an operation, which left her a semi-invalid for the rest of her life.
Every person's back problem is unique to them and no treatment would apply to all sufferers, but a lot of people are getting help from the Chi Machine and Hothouse. I personally was 95% healed from a slipped disk, arthritis and stiff SI joint problem that I endured for 25 years after only four months using the Hothouse and Chi Machine. http://www.chi-hothouse.com
They were discussing what could be done to bring in more business, when the chiropractor came up with a "brilliant idea" to increase both of their incomes. Since this conversation occurred back in the days when people had never heard about soft, overstuffed chairs and couches, people sat up properly in straight back chairs and living room furniture.
The chiropractor knew, that as long as people sat properly and slept properly, then their spines would not get out of whack and need him to adjust them. So he talked the furniture maker into coming out with soft, easy, overstuffed chairs and couches. People would buy these because they were more comfortable to relax in after a long days work at their jobs.
The furniture maker went for that idea because he knew people would buy them. So the deal was on. It wasn't long after the furniture maker started making this new type of furniture, when people started having trouble with their backs and needed the chiropractor to adjust them and business started to boom for these men.
Over the years, business expanded enormously for both of them and their industries, and today--job losses and work time that is lost...runs into the millions of hours and the cost to this nation is staggering, added to the pain that all these people go through.
Conclusion: Is this conspiracy story true? No, but the reality of what has happened certainly is. Back pain and other back problems are the first cause of being off from work, causing companies billions of dollars each year in lost man hours and sky rocketing insurance claims.
Back problems are also caused by companies themselves with their work related job functions which cause back pain. The primary one being the chairs employees are required to sit in. I worked in a doctor's office at one time and the chairs that those nurses and office workers had to sit on was nothing short of physical torture. The office manager was required to sit in a chair that was too low and she developed a slipped disk, which caused her to have an operation, which left her a semi-invalid for the rest of her life.
Every person's back problem is unique to them and no treatment would apply to all sufferers, but a lot of people are getting help from the Chi Machine and Hothouse. I personally was 95% healed from a slipped disk, arthritis and stiff SI joint problem that I endured for 25 years after only four months using the Hothouse and Chi Machine. http://www.chi-hothouse.com
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Creator of the Universe
Once upon an eternal time, there was a Creator, Who could make or create anything He wanted to. This Creator was always in existence, which we humans cannot understand and never will.
This Creator was both, lonely for companionship and bored, doing nothing, but existing. Since He had all this space to play around with, He decided that He would get busy and create a whole bunch of "big round things" and make them "float" in space. So, He got busy and started doing just that.
He figured that since He was making all of these "big round things", He really should name them. So, He named some of them planets, some of them suns, some of them stars, etc. Since He had all these planets He decided that He would put interesting things on them.
He decided to put vegetation on them first. He made trees, grasses, flowers, bushes, etc. After He had done this, the vegetation grew so rapidly, that He needed to find something to keep this vegetation from growing out of hand. So, He decided to create animals, to eat this vegetation and keep it under control. And since there was so much vegetation growing on these planets, He decided to created a whole bunch of very large animals.
After awhile, the animals were multiplying so rapidly, that He decided to create something to keep down the growth of so many animals. So, He created animals, that would "kill and eat" other animals. Pretty soon the "animal eating animals" got so plentiful, He decided to create humans, to kill the animals, that were killing the other animals. Also, in order for these humans to live, they, many times, would have to kill these animals and eat them, just to survive.
When humans were first created, they did not know about the Creator or even believe in a "life after death". So, for a long period of time, humans, when they died, most of them would just "go out of existence" because they did not know about the Creator or that there was an "after life".
The Creator felt SORRY about this, because He wanted all of these humans to live after death, and live on the spiritual planets, that humans cannot see, that He had also created. Since some of these humans had survived the grave and had become spirits, He told them to inspire humans on earth to make stone gods and wooden gods and have humans bow down to them, so that they would have a "life after death".
This was accomplished. When these humans, bowed down to the stone and wooden statues, the angels, (that humans could "not" see...but could hear ) would stand by the statues, and answer the questions, asked by the humans, and the humans believed it was God who did the talking. This worked pretty good because most of them, here and there, upon death, would be alive ( be spirits) after death. This practice increased the faith of humans in a God so much, that more and more humans could then have eternal life.
As soon as these humans acquired the belief in a God and life after death, then this belief actually change and spiritualized their reproductive eggs and sperm, which strengthened the possibility of life after death. This way, when an infant or child died, it's chances of life after death was vastly improved.
Now, as things moved along, more and more humans began to populate the earth. The Creator caused the spirits ( also called angels) to inspire (influence) humans to come out of the forest and live in groups instead of by themselves.
Meanwhile, the spirits would go to schools, in the spirit world, and after a period of time, they would get smarter and smarter and develop spiritually. They would live on heavenly plateaus and spiritual worlds called etherean worlds. Eventually these spirits, after many hundreds of years, would develop into Lords and Gods and would be working directly under the Creator.
But, on every single planet or world, that the Creator made, there were, sooner or later, Lords who have been serving Him, that would rebel and turn against Him, and try to take over control of the world, where they have been trying to lift up and educate the humans "on that world".
These Lords, under the Creator, usually would get impatient with the Creator because they felt that He was too gentle on humans and these Lords wanted to declare war on all false gods on the face of the earth. Humans got to the point where they would fall down and worship just about anyone who would come along and claim to be this god or that god.
Also, the Creator, down through the development of each world, would send, what He calls Great Leaders Forth. These were very special men, who would teach humans about spiritual doctrines and teach them about the Creator.
When these Lords rebelled against the Creator, they pretended to be some Great Person that humans worshiped or respected, so that when humans died, their souls will "float" up to the god that they have worshiped while on earth. When these new born spirits, go to the heaven, of the god they have worshiped, that god would then enslave them and fully intended to never let them go anywhere else in the limitless expanse of the Creator's universe.
Wars beyond description, would start between these false gods, one against the another, each one trying to overthrow all the others, so that he, the victor, could be the total ruler, over all humans on earth. Eventually, these false gods, would come to terms, with each other, and divide up the earth, and a "sort of peace" would come between.
Sooner or later, the slave spirits of these false gods, would wise up that their god wasn't perfect after all, and these spirits would rebel against these false gods and rush for them in a madness of hate and vengeance. Since these false gods have not told these slaves of theirs of other places they could go to, the only thing these "ignorant masses" can do is vent their anger against these false gods. The whole mass of spirits and their god, end up in what is called a KNOT OR HELL.
After this happens, a Chief God, who works for the Creator, must go with millions of high raised angels and deliver these spirits from these hells. They are all taken to a heavenly plateau and healed so that they can continue, on their way, to everlasting resurrection.
The false gods are then judged by the Creator and told that now they are responsible for the resurrection of all those people on earth that believed in them as long as the NAME they picked is worshiped by humans.
At this cycle of time, which is called KOSMON, man will eventually give up all wars for settling their differences. Man will eventually give up the eating of the flesh of dead animals and also eventually give up worshiping any other god but the Creator. Kosmon, the cycle we are now in, which started in 1848, will last for about 3,000 years.
Also, eventually, man will give up living in cities and form colonies where just worshipers of the Creator will live. Governments will slowly and eventually fade out on the earth and only colonies will be the norm. Man will be more and more concerned about spiritual things instead of earthly things and will give up even the breeding process and the race of man will slowly disappear off the earth.
When this happens, then this planet will have served it's purpose and some God, far in the future, will dissipate this planet and it will be seen no more.
You can read Oahspe here: http://www.oahspe.org
You can read about God's diet here: http://www.gods-diet.com
This Creator was both, lonely for companionship and bored, doing nothing, but existing. Since He had all this space to play around with, He decided that He would get busy and create a whole bunch of "big round things" and make them "float" in space. So, He got busy and started doing just that.
He figured that since He was making all of these "big round things", He really should name them. So, He named some of them planets, some of them suns, some of them stars, etc. Since He had all these planets He decided that He would put interesting things on them.
He decided to put vegetation on them first. He made trees, grasses, flowers, bushes, etc. After He had done this, the vegetation grew so rapidly, that He needed to find something to keep this vegetation from growing out of hand. So, He decided to create animals, to eat this vegetation and keep it under control. And since there was so much vegetation growing on these planets, He decided to created a whole bunch of very large animals.
After awhile, the animals were multiplying so rapidly, that He decided to create something to keep down the growth of so many animals. So, He created animals, that would "kill and eat" other animals. Pretty soon the "animal eating animals" got so plentiful, He decided to create humans, to kill the animals, that were killing the other animals. Also, in order for these humans to live, they, many times, would have to kill these animals and eat them, just to survive.
When humans were first created, they did not know about the Creator or even believe in a "life after death". So, for a long period of time, humans, when they died, most of them would just "go out of existence" because they did not know about the Creator or that there was an "after life".
The Creator felt SORRY about this, because He wanted all of these humans to live after death, and live on the spiritual planets, that humans cannot see, that He had also created. Since some of these humans had survived the grave and had become spirits, He told them to inspire humans on earth to make stone gods and wooden gods and have humans bow down to them, so that they would have a "life after death".
This was accomplished. When these humans, bowed down to the stone and wooden statues, the angels, (that humans could "not" see...but could hear ) would stand by the statues, and answer the questions, asked by the humans, and the humans believed it was God who did the talking. This worked pretty good because most of them, here and there, upon death, would be alive ( be spirits) after death. This practice increased the faith of humans in a God so much, that more and more humans could then have eternal life.
As soon as these humans acquired the belief in a God and life after death, then this belief actually change and spiritualized their reproductive eggs and sperm, which strengthened the possibility of life after death. This way, when an infant or child died, it's chances of life after death was vastly improved.
Now, as things moved along, more and more humans began to populate the earth. The Creator caused the spirits ( also called angels) to inspire (influence) humans to come out of the forest and live in groups instead of by themselves.
Meanwhile, the spirits would go to schools, in the spirit world, and after a period of time, they would get smarter and smarter and develop spiritually. They would live on heavenly plateaus and spiritual worlds called etherean worlds. Eventually these spirits, after many hundreds of years, would develop into Lords and Gods and would be working directly under the Creator.
But, on every single planet or world, that the Creator made, there were, sooner or later, Lords who have been serving Him, that would rebel and turn against Him, and try to take over control of the world, where they have been trying to lift up and educate the humans "on that world".
These Lords, under the Creator, usually would get impatient with the Creator because they felt that He was too gentle on humans and these Lords wanted to declare war on all false gods on the face of the earth. Humans got to the point where they would fall down and worship just about anyone who would come along and claim to be this god or that god.
Also, the Creator, down through the development of each world, would send, what He calls Great Leaders Forth. These were very special men, who would teach humans about spiritual doctrines and teach them about the Creator.
When these Lords rebelled against the Creator, they pretended to be some Great Person that humans worshiped or respected, so that when humans died, their souls will "float" up to the god that they have worshiped while on earth. When these new born spirits, go to the heaven, of the god they have worshiped, that god would then enslave them and fully intended to never let them go anywhere else in the limitless expanse of the Creator's universe.
Wars beyond description, would start between these false gods, one against the another, each one trying to overthrow all the others, so that he, the victor, could be the total ruler, over all humans on earth. Eventually, these false gods, would come to terms, with each other, and divide up the earth, and a "sort of peace" would come between.
Sooner or later, the slave spirits of these false gods, would wise up that their god wasn't perfect after all, and these spirits would rebel against these false gods and rush for them in a madness of hate and vengeance. Since these false gods have not told these slaves of theirs of other places they could go to, the only thing these "ignorant masses" can do is vent their anger against these false gods. The whole mass of spirits and their god, end up in what is called a KNOT OR HELL.
After this happens, a Chief God, who works for the Creator, must go with millions of high raised angels and deliver these spirits from these hells. They are all taken to a heavenly plateau and healed so that they can continue, on their way, to everlasting resurrection.
The false gods are then judged by the Creator and told that now they are responsible for the resurrection of all those people on earth that believed in them as long as the NAME they picked is worshiped by humans.
At this cycle of time, which is called KOSMON, man will eventually give up all wars for settling their differences. Man will eventually give up the eating of the flesh of dead animals and also eventually give up worshiping any other god but the Creator. Kosmon, the cycle we are now in, which started in 1848, will last for about 3,000 years.
Also, eventually, man will give up living in cities and form colonies where just worshipers of the Creator will live. Governments will slowly and eventually fade out on the earth and only colonies will be the norm. Man will be more and more concerned about spiritual things instead of earthly things and will give up even the breeding process and the race of man will slowly disappear off the earth.
When this happens, then this planet will have served it's purpose and some God, far in the future, will dissipate this planet and it will be seen no more.
You can read Oahspe here: http://www.oahspe.org
You can read about God's diet here: http://www.gods-diet.com
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
How to Get Very Fat
The United States and many other countries, have populations that are increasingly getting fatter and fatter. "Round is in" and "skinny is out". Almost everybody these days is trying their best to look like "butter balls" instead of "zippers " so I am going to tell you how you can get very fat so that you are not "left behind" in the great American "Get Fat Trend."
The most important thing you should do is eat high glycemic foods. These are foods which cause a rapid surge in blood sugar. The number one high glycemic items are plain old white sugar and white flour foods. So make sure you get lots of those, especially when combined together. Examples are: cookies, cake, donuts, pie, rolls, crackers, spaghetti, white bread, donuts, buns, pancakes, waffles, etc.
Since candy has sugar in it, eat as much as you can, any kind of candy will do. Eat lots of ice cream because that has lots of sugar too. Next is anything made from corn. Anything made from corn is very fattening. Look at labels in grocery stores and if the label on a product has high fructose corn syrup, "buy it" because that stuff is very fattening.
Next is potatoes. Eat all the potato chips, french fries, mashed potatoes. baked potatoes, etc. because that will definitely fatten you up. Whatever you do, don't eat raw foods found in nature like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and stuff like that. Those foods will make you slim and you will be left out of the "trendy" Get Fat Trend and you will have NO fat friends.
Finally, do not exercise any more than is necessary to just get around and do only what you have to do. Be the best Couch Potato that you can be.
On the other hand, the secret to losing weight is to change your life style and your everyday eating habits.
If you just want to be normal and do not want to look like a "butter ball" or a "zipper" just eat what is natural here at: http://www.gods-diet.com and use a proven weight loss system shown here.
Something else which helps people, who want to lose weight, is the Chi Machine. Numerous people have lost a lot of weight with the Chi Machine plus a lot of other health benefits as well. http://www.chi-hothouse.com
The most important thing you should do is eat high glycemic foods. These are foods which cause a rapid surge in blood sugar. The number one high glycemic items are plain old white sugar and white flour foods. So make sure you get lots of those, especially when combined together. Examples are: cookies, cake, donuts, pie, rolls, crackers, spaghetti, white bread, donuts, buns, pancakes, waffles, etc.
Since candy has sugar in it, eat as much as you can, any kind of candy will do. Eat lots of ice cream because that has lots of sugar too. Next is anything made from corn. Anything made from corn is very fattening. Look at labels in grocery stores and if the label on a product has high fructose corn syrup, "buy it" because that stuff is very fattening.
Next is potatoes. Eat all the potato chips, french fries, mashed potatoes. baked potatoes, etc. because that will definitely fatten you up. Whatever you do, don't eat raw foods found in nature like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and stuff like that. Those foods will make you slim and you will be left out of the "trendy" Get Fat Trend and you will have NO fat friends.
Finally, do not exercise any more than is necessary to just get around and do only what you have to do. Be the best Couch Potato that you can be.
On the other hand, the secret to losing weight is to change your life style and your everyday eating habits.
If you just want to be normal and do not want to look like a "butter ball" or a "zipper" just eat what is natural here at: http://www.gods-diet.com and use a proven weight loss system shown here.
Something else which helps people, who want to lose weight, is the Chi Machine. Numerous people have lost a lot of weight with the Chi Machine plus a lot of other health benefits as well. http://www.chi-hothouse.com
Monday, May 4, 2009
Keep Shaking the Bushes
A little boy and his family, had just moved into a new home and this child went out to explore their property. In the back yard was a bush. Upon this bush was some berries. The little boy was too small to reach the berries, so he started shaking the bushes to cause them to fall off. It was early spring and of course, the berries were not ripe. What berries did fall to the ground didn't taste good at all.
As the spring turned into summer, every once in awhile, this child would shake the bushes and taste the berries that fell to the ground, to see if they tasted good. He would "shake and test" and "shake and test" as the summer went on.
In late summer, the berries were finally ripe enough to taste real good and plenty would fall to the ground for this child to eat.
As we go through life and we try to accomplish any of life goals and try to solve the problems we face, we just have to keep trying (shaking the bushes) until we solve our problems.
Another way to solve problems is to "think outside of the box." This just means, that the solution can sometimes be found when trying something that is outside of standard problem solving procedures.
A good illustration of this, was shown in a situation with an electric utility company that was facing a serious problem after an ice storm, with ice on the power lines. The ice on the power lines was causing the lines to break, resulting in power outages. The CEO of this company had all the employees meet in the large auditorium for a brainstorming session to try to find the solution.
Ideas came thick and fast from these employees. Then one of the new office girls stood up and said: "Why don't we fly the company helicopter over the wires." Everybody laughed at that idea. But later on, when the managers were going over all the suggestions offered, they suddenly realized that the helicopter idea was sure worth trying.
The next day, the helicopter pilot flew the helicopter a few feet over the power lines and the down draft, from the blades, wiggled the wires and the ice fell off.
This goes to show, that everything is easy, once you know how. It doesn't matter whether it is a health problem, a business problem or whatever. We can solve anything, do anything, once we know how.
As the spring turned into summer, every once in awhile, this child would shake the bushes and taste the berries that fell to the ground, to see if they tasted good. He would "shake and test" and "shake and test" as the summer went on.
In late summer, the berries were finally ripe enough to taste real good and plenty would fall to the ground for this child to eat.
As we go through life and we try to accomplish any of life goals and try to solve the problems we face, we just have to keep trying (shaking the bushes) until we solve our problems.
Another way to solve problems is to "think outside of the box." This just means, that the solution can sometimes be found when trying something that is outside of standard problem solving procedures.
A good illustration of this, was shown in a situation with an electric utility company that was facing a serious problem after an ice storm, with ice on the power lines. The ice on the power lines was causing the lines to break, resulting in power outages. The CEO of this company had all the employees meet in the large auditorium for a brainstorming session to try to find the solution.
Ideas came thick and fast from these employees. Then one of the new office girls stood up and said: "Why don't we fly the company helicopter over the wires." Everybody laughed at that idea. But later on, when the managers were going over all the suggestions offered, they suddenly realized that the helicopter idea was sure worth trying.
The next day, the helicopter pilot flew the helicopter a few feet over the power lines and the down draft, from the blades, wiggled the wires and the ice fell off.
This goes to show, that everything is easy, once you know how. It doesn't matter whether it is a health problem, a business problem or whatever. We can solve anything, do anything, once we know how.
Man God Religions
Any religion, where the god, lord, saviour or prophet "of that religion", says he will cast you in hell if you do not "bow down to him" or "believe in him" or "worship him", is a man god of a man god religion. It doesn't make any difference how large the religion is, how many meeting places there are, how many Bibles or Holy Books they have, how many religious leaders they have, how many schools they have, or how many songs they sing.
Any god or lord or savior or prophet who would throw a person in hell, because they would not worship him is NOT A LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER but a cruel BEAST OF A PERSON who, would be so cruel, as to torture someone who just "will not own him as his god or his creator".
Any person who FALLS DOWN and worships these man gods, are themselves EVIL, because in so doing, they are consenting, and going along with, the torture of their own humankind.
Jehovih, who is the actual Creator of this Universe, would never allow any man god to torture "any of his created humans" in these hells any longer than it be necessary for His Chief God to deliver these hells. There have been hells created by these man gods, but they have all been delivered and the victims taken to heavenly plateaus for their everlasting resurrection.
To me, it is inconceivable that anyone, especially a person who calls himself a god or lord or savior could be so cruel as to torture a human being and turn around and call himself good or perfect or humane or even decent. Even we humans do not torture people who are bad. We either execute them or jail them or fine them. We do not torture. If we as humans are good enough not to torture people, then why aren't these man gods good enough "not to torture". Evidently we humans are more humane than these man gods that people are told to "bow down to". Where is the sanity in that? Where is the logic in that?
Christ (whose real name is Looeamong) who started the Christian religion, and Allah (whose real name is Thoth) who used Mohammad to start the Islam religion, have been at war with each other for over 2000 years, and at war against Jehovih for several thousand years. You can see what Christ has done against Allah (alias Thoth) and the Muslims, by reading about the Crusades where the Christians declared war against Muslims many times trying to retake the "so called" Holy Land.
You can see the hand of Christ and what the Christians did to non-Christians, by reading about the inquisitions in Europe where people were maltreated in every sort of manner even to being burned at the stake.
You can see the hand of Christ, in the life of Constantine, where he used him to conquer all the nations around the Mediterranean Sea in the name of Christ and Christianity.
You can see the hand of Christ when He inspired England to war against the early colonies of America.
You can see the hand of Christ in the trouble the colonist had with the American Indians.
Christians and Muslims both think they they have a monopoly on salvation and heaven and eternal life. And when someone goes to reason with them, they just brush them off and slander them with words like infidel, anti-christ or "of the devil", etc.
Christians and Muslims both will not even consider that some other religion might be better than theirs. Their Gods have closed their minds with the fear of hell, and no one can get through to them.
Christ and Allah are the worst of all the man gods that have ever been on this planet, and throughout time there have been hundreds of them. Christians and Muslims have all been raised up to believe in their respective gods and that to change their minds and go over to some other religion, they have been brain washed to believe they would be cast in hell for eternal damnation.
No other religion, that I know of, teaches such a doctrine.
Christians and Muslims are terrified of even questioning whatever their god or religion teaches them. Their religious leaders have more control, over their minds, than they have "any right to".
When anyone criticizes their god or religion, they can always come up with some twisted lame reason to prop up their god or beliefs.
The Faithists who, worship Jehovih, are just the opposite. We know, and are told, that our bible Oahspe is not perfect. We are told that Jehovih has made us "to judge all things, EVEN HIM!"
The Faithist bible Oahspe gives an entire history of all major religions and the gods that started them. It is very easy to prove that Oahspe tells the truth by simply doing the necessary research into the appropriate historical publications.
Basically what Oahspe says about these man gods and their religions is this: You do not need to be saved BY these man gods, you need to be saved FROM them.
The reason why Oahspe has been an "underground Bible" now for over 100 years is because when a person reads Oahspe, it is so different and revealing and critical of all these other religions, that if the reader were to come out public or to his relatives and friends, he would be condemned for committing sacrilege against these man god religions.
If every single person on this planet were to be given religious instructions into all religions including Faithist, there is NO DOUBT in my mind that the Faithist religion would come out on top.
Any god or lord or savior or prophet who would throw a person in hell, because they would not worship him is NOT A LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER but a cruel BEAST OF A PERSON who, would be so cruel, as to torture someone who just "will not own him as his god or his creator".
Any person who FALLS DOWN and worships these man gods, are themselves EVIL, because in so doing, they are consenting, and going along with, the torture of their own humankind.
Jehovih, who is the actual Creator of this Universe, would never allow any man god to torture "any of his created humans" in these hells any longer than it be necessary for His Chief God to deliver these hells. There have been hells created by these man gods, but they have all been delivered and the victims taken to heavenly plateaus for their everlasting resurrection.
To me, it is inconceivable that anyone, especially a person who calls himself a god or lord or savior could be so cruel as to torture a human being and turn around and call himself good or perfect or humane or even decent. Even we humans do not torture people who are bad. We either execute them or jail them or fine them. We do not torture. If we as humans are good enough not to torture people, then why aren't these man gods good enough "not to torture". Evidently we humans are more humane than these man gods that people are told to "bow down to". Where is the sanity in that? Where is the logic in that?
Christ (whose real name is Looeamong) who started the Christian religion, and Allah (whose real name is Thoth) who used Mohammad to start the Islam religion, have been at war with each other for over 2000 years, and at war against Jehovih for several thousand years. You can see what Christ has done against Allah (alias Thoth) and the Muslims, by reading about the Crusades where the Christians declared war against Muslims many times trying to retake the "so called" Holy Land.
You can see the hand of Christ and what the Christians did to non-Christians, by reading about the inquisitions in Europe where people were maltreated in every sort of manner even to being burned at the stake.
You can see the hand of Christ, in the life of Constantine, where he used him to conquer all the nations around the Mediterranean Sea in the name of Christ and Christianity.
You can see the hand of Christ when He inspired England to war against the early colonies of America.
You can see the hand of Christ in the trouble the colonist had with the American Indians.
Christians and Muslims both think they they have a monopoly on salvation and heaven and eternal life. And when someone goes to reason with them, they just brush them off and slander them with words like infidel, anti-christ or "of the devil", etc.
Christians and Muslims both will not even consider that some other religion might be better than theirs. Their Gods have closed their minds with the fear of hell, and no one can get through to them.
Christ and Allah are the worst of all the man gods that have ever been on this planet, and throughout time there have been hundreds of them. Christians and Muslims have all been raised up to believe in their respective gods and that to change their minds and go over to some other religion, they have been brain washed to believe they would be cast in hell for eternal damnation.
No other religion, that I know of, teaches such a doctrine.
Christians and Muslims are terrified of even questioning whatever their god or religion teaches them. Their religious leaders have more control, over their minds, than they have "any right to".
When anyone criticizes their god or religion, they can always come up with some twisted lame reason to prop up their god or beliefs.
The Faithists who, worship Jehovih, are just the opposite. We know, and are told, that our bible Oahspe is not perfect. We are told that Jehovih has made us "to judge all things, EVEN HIM!"
The Faithist bible Oahspe gives an entire history of all major religions and the gods that started them. It is very easy to prove that Oahspe tells the truth by simply doing the necessary research into the appropriate historical publications.
Basically what Oahspe says about these man gods and their religions is this: You do not need to be saved BY these man gods, you need to be saved FROM them.
The reason why Oahspe has been an "underground Bible" now for over 100 years is because when a person reads Oahspe, it is so different and revealing and critical of all these other religions, that if the reader were to come out public or to his relatives and friends, he would be condemned for committing sacrilege against these man god religions.
If every single person on this planet were to be given religious instructions into all religions including Faithist, there is NO DOUBT in my mind that the Faithist religion would come out on top.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
How to Easily Prove There is a God
Proving that there is a God or a Creator is about the most simple thing you could ever do. And because it is so easy to do, it boggles the mind, that there are so many people in this world who can't see the simplicity in doing so.
You do not need any religion to do this. You do not need any religious leader to do this. You do not need any holy book to do this. You can do this without any assistance at all. Anybody, even a child, can do something as simple as proving there is a God.
Here is how anybody, who can read this article, can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a Creator does exist - because it is just a simple matter of visual observation and common sense deduction.
As you look out on this world, you are going to be able to see only "two kinds things."
First: You are going to see things that are made by people. You are going to see houses made by people. You are going to see cars made by people. You are going to see telephone poles, lawnmowers, bicycles, computers and thousands of other things made by people.
Second: You are going to see mountains, rivers, flowers, carrots, leaves, grass, planets, stars and thousands of other things that people DID NOT MAKE.
Now since it is a scientific fact and also just common sense, that nothing can make itself, then everything that you see, that man did not make - had to be made by somebody else, millions of times smarter than we mere mortals.
No mortal can make a flower. No mortal can make a dog. No mortal can make or create a planet, that billions of mortals live on and FLOAT - IT - IN - SPACE as easily as a child plays with a balloon.
Anything that you see, that man DID NOT MAKE had to be made by a Creator or it would not even be here in the first place - and neither would WE.
There are many holy books in the world, all proclaiming that "their God" is the only "true God." Most people adhere to the religion they were raised in and do not take an interest in other religions. One way that you can know the truth about all of these religions, is to study all of them extensively.
You can also take a "short cut" and read a book that God Himself wrote. Let Him tell you about all these religions, their gods - saviors - prophets, who started these religions and why they were started.
Oahspe is a history book going back over 78,000 years. Read about the huge continent in the Pacific Ocean "called Pan" that God sank beneath the surface and why He had to do it. Only a few escaped that were on the highest points and in boats which floated off to other continents. Japan was a high part of that continent.
You will learn what has been going on in heaven and earth all this time. You will read how God inspired Europeans to sail to a new land (America) for religious freedom. http://oahspe.blogspot.com
Also, there are many diets in the world, but God knows more than anybody else what is best for us. Everybody else who makes food for our consumption is just after our money. http://gods-diet.com
You do not need any religion to do this. You do not need any religious leader to do this. You do not need any holy book to do this. You can do this without any assistance at all. Anybody, even a child, can do something as simple as proving there is a God.
Here is how anybody, who can read this article, can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a Creator does exist - because it is just a simple matter of visual observation and common sense deduction.
As you look out on this world, you are going to be able to see only "two kinds things."
First: You are going to see things that are made by people. You are going to see houses made by people. You are going to see cars made by people. You are going to see telephone poles, lawnmowers, bicycles, computers and thousands of other things made by people.
Second: You are going to see mountains, rivers, flowers, carrots, leaves, grass, planets, stars and thousands of other things that people DID NOT MAKE.
Now since it is a scientific fact and also just common sense, that nothing can make itself, then everything that you see, that man did not make - had to be made by somebody else, millions of times smarter than we mere mortals.
No mortal can make a flower. No mortal can make a dog. No mortal can make or create a planet, that billions of mortals live on and FLOAT - IT - IN - SPACE as easily as a child plays with a balloon.
Anything that you see, that man DID NOT MAKE had to be made by a Creator or it would not even be here in the first place - and neither would WE.
There are many holy books in the world, all proclaiming that "their God" is the only "true God." Most people adhere to the religion they were raised in and do not take an interest in other religions. One way that you can know the truth about all of these religions, is to study all of them extensively.
You can also take a "short cut" and read a book that God Himself wrote. Let Him tell you about all these religions, their gods - saviors - prophets, who started these religions and why they were started.
Oahspe is a history book going back over 78,000 years. Read about the huge continent in the Pacific Ocean "called Pan" that God sank beneath the surface and why He had to do it. Only a few escaped that were on the highest points and in boats which floated off to other continents. Japan was a high part of that continent.
You will learn what has been going on in heaven and earth all this time. You will read how God inspired Europeans to sail to a new land (America) for religious freedom. http://oahspe.blogspot.com
Also, there are many diets in the world, but God knows more than anybody else what is best for us. Everybody else who makes food for our consumption is just after our money. http://gods-diet.com
Jesus Christ and the Two Stories
Story Number One:
Once upon a time, in the lower end of a large city, a gang member walked into a little fresh fruit market and approached the owner.
The gang member said, to the owner, that he was there to sell "protection" to him, to protect him, his family and his business.
The owner said, "protect me from whom?"
The gang member said, "from gangs who could come to harm you, your family and your business".
The owner said, that he really didn't think he needed "protection".
Whereupon the gang member told him, that if he didn't buy protection, that he would break both his legs, rape his little daughter and burn down his store.
The store owner was so terrified of this warning, that he agreed to pay for protection.
Story Number Two:
Once upon a time, a certain man was born on earth. When he had grown into manhood, he told people who lived in his area, that he was the Son of God, and that He had been born on the earth to save mankind and give them salvation (protection)
One day He was preaching this message and someone asked Him, "salvation (protection) from whom?"
And this Son Of God said, salvation (protection) from the Devil. He went on to say, that if they would fall down and worship Him, that upon their death, he would take them up to heaven to be with Him.
Someone else in the crowd said, "what will happen to us, if we don't want your salvation (protection)?"
This Son of God said, "in that case, when you die, I will cast you in hell and torture you forever".
Whereupon, many people fell down and worshiped this Son of God.
Moral of these stories:
Jehovih (not Jehovah) says in Oahspe, that we are His "babes" and He considers no person on earth "evil", only "green and unripe". Oahspe makes it very plain, that the Creator will never let any "so called" Lord, God or Savior torture his created humans in any Hell forever.
But, the way we live our lives here on earth, can not only put us in a "hell of a situation" here, but also in the spirit world, after we die (get out out of our bodies). Humanity does not need to be saved "by" man gods like Christ, humanity needs to be saved "from" them.
Christians tell me, when they hear these stories, "that I am wrong", that Christ does not throw people in hell, but that is done by the devil.
These "Christians are wrong", and should go back and read the entire New Testament, including the Acts of the Apostles, and they will find out that not only does Christ throw everyone in hell, that does not accept him as the Son of God ,but the devil and his angles are also thrown in hell.
What kind of a person, would torture a human being in hell forever: A kind and Loving Heavenly Father or a man god who only wants to get you into his heavenly Kingdom to "enslave you forever" and keep you "stupid" so you never find out that Jehovih has created UNLIMITED heavens and etherean worlds for his children to explore, as much as they want to FOREVER.
Yes, Christ did say he would prepare a place for you Christians, "and he sure did" and you will be "stuck there" until you wise up and escape to one of Jehovih's heavens. You will be shocked if you read Oahspe and find out what Christ has in store for Christians in his heaven.
The only way Christians can ever get their heads straight about religion is to first read Oahspe. There is no other way - unless when you die, go into the spiritual world, hopefully someone up there, that you can trust, will finally convince you, that Christ is not what your Bible tells you he is.
Oahspe is the New Bible, written by GOD HIMSELF, and has been around for over 100 years. You say, then why haven't people heard about it then. Millions of people have read Oahspe. It has been translated into other languages. It has been reprinted numerous times, over the past 100 years, in America, Great Britain and Europe.
But the main reason that Oahspe is not publicly known, is because, when a person finds and reads Oahspe, they must go through a personal transition, from one religion to another, and it is a "very difficult experience". And they know, that because of the shocking revelations found in Oahspe, they do not dare tell their friends and relatives what is said in this New Bible, because right away, it will totally ruin their relationship with them.
One of the main things, that God condemns in Oahspe, is the eating of the flesh of dead animal life and that includes all sea food. Eating the flesh of dead animals of any kind, puts a rock on your soul and the Light from God's throne or from his Holy Angles cannot get through to you.
God's Holy Angels cannot even come near you, to help lift you up to a higher lever, because of the STINK from your body, from the flesh of dead animals, makes them sick. When you eat the flesh of dead animals, the only spirits that will come around you are the very low grade type, that cannot lift you to a higher spiritual level. All they can do is drag you down.
One of the other things that GOD condemns in Oahspe is "preachers" and all these people here one earth who claim to be "men of God" and claim to speak "for" God. He makes it very plain that none of these "pretenders" speak for Him. They are nothing but "businessmen" selling their "brand' of religion.
God says that they are palming off "words" for "works". In other words, they do not want to WORK, like we have, all our lives. They want to convince you, that "you need them" for spiritual guidance, when your own "conscience" is all you are "responsible" to.
Oahspe tells exactly how all these religions on earth got started and WHO started them. Not only that, but gives an entire history of the major events which went on in heaven and on earth for the past 24 thousand years. There is also a book in Oahspe on science, but that is too complicated to touch on here.
Oahspe is the most fascinating book I have ever read and consider it to be the most important thing that has ever happen to me in my entire life. I now know that we all have "eternal life" and we were already "saved" as long as we believe in ANY KIND OF A GOD.
But the kind of a god we believe in is absolutely vital to WHERE WE GO, WHEN WE DIE. If Christ is your God, you go to his Kingdom, if Allah is your God, you go to his Kingdom, if Buddha is your God, you go to his Kingdom, etc. If you believe a statue in your backyard is god, then when you die, that is where you will go.
What about an atheist?
They are in danger of going out of EXISTENCE when they die. Pity them.
Once upon a time, in the lower end of a large city, a gang member walked into a little fresh fruit market and approached the owner.
The gang member said, to the owner, that he was there to sell "protection" to him, to protect him, his family and his business.
The owner said, "protect me from whom?"
The gang member said, "from gangs who could come to harm you, your family and your business".
The owner said, that he really didn't think he needed "protection".
Whereupon the gang member told him, that if he didn't buy protection, that he would break both his legs, rape his little daughter and burn down his store.
The store owner was so terrified of this warning, that he agreed to pay for protection.
Story Number Two:
Once upon a time, a certain man was born on earth. When he had grown into manhood, he told people who lived in his area, that he was the Son of God, and that He had been born on the earth to save mankind and give them salvation (protection)
One day He was preaching this message and someone asked Him, "salvation (protection) from whom?"
And this Son Of God said, salvation (protection) from the Devil. He went on to say, that if they would fall down and worship Him, that upon their death, he would take them up to heaven to be with Him.
Someone else in the crowd said, "what will happen to us, if we don't want your salvation (protection)?"
This Son of God said, "in that case, when you die, I will cast you in hell and torture you forever".
Whereupon, many people fell down and worshiped this Son of God.
Moral of these stories:
Jehovih (not Jehovah) says in Oahspe, that we are His "babes" and He considers no person on earth "evil", only "green and unripe". Oahspe makes it very plain, that the Creator will never let any "so called" Lord, God or Savior torture his created humans in any Hell forever.
But, the way we live our lives here on earth, can not only put us in a "hell of a situation" here, but also in the spirit world, after we die (get out out of our bodies). Humanity does not need to be saved "by" man gods like Christ, humanity needs to be saved "from" them.
Christians tell me, when they hear these stories, "that I am wrong", that Christ does not throw people in hell, but that is done by the devil.
These "Christians are wrong", and should go back and read the entire New Testament, including the Acts of the Apostles, and they will find out that not only does Christ throw everyone in hell, that does not accept him as the Son of God ,but the devil and his angles are also thrown in hell.
What kind of a person, would torture a human being in hell forever: A kind and Loving Heavenly Father or a man god who only wants to get you into his heavenly Kingdom to "enslave you forever" and keep you "stupid" so you never find out that Jehovih has created UNLIMITED heavens and etherean worlds for his children to explore, as much as they want to FOREVER.
Yes, Christ did say he would prepare a place for you Christians, "and he sure did" and you will be "stuck there" until you wise up and escape to one of Jehovih's heavens. You will be shocked if you read Oahspe and find out what Christ has in store for Christians in his heaven.
The only way Christians can ever get their heads straight about religion is to first read Oahspe. There is no other way - unless when you die, go into the spiritual world, hopefully someone up there, that you can trust, will finally convince you, that Christ is not what your Bible tells you he is.
Oahspe is the New Bible, written by GOD HIMSELF, and has been around for over 100 years. You say, then why haven't people heard about it then. Millions of people have read Oahspe. It has been translated into other languages. It has been reprinted numerous times, over the past 100 years, in America, Great Britain and Europe.
But the main reason that Oahspe is not publicly known, is because, when a person finds and reads Oahspe, they must go through a personal transition, from one religion to another, and it is a "very difficult experience". And they know, that because of the shocking revelations found in Oahspe, they do not dare tell their friends and relatives what is said in this New Bible, because right away, it will totally ruin their relationship with them.
One of the main things, that God condemns in Oahspe, is the eating of the flesh of dead animal life and that includes all sea food. Eating the flesh of dead animals of any kind, puts a rock on your soul and the Light from God's throne or from his Holy Angles cannot get through to you.
God's Holy Angels cannot even come near you, to help lift you up to a higher lever, because of the STINK from your body, from the flesh of dead animals, makes them sick. When you eat the flesh of dead animals, the only spirits that will come around you are the very low grade type, that cannot lift you to a higher spiritual level. All they can do is drag you down.
One of the other things that GOD condemns in Oahspe is "preachers" and all these people here one earth who claim to be "men of God" and claim to speak "for" God. He makes it very plain that none of these "pretenders" speak for Him. They are nothing but "businessmen" selling their "brand' of religion.
God says that they are palming off "words" for "works". In other words, they do not want to WORK, like we have, all our lives. They want to convince you, that "you need them" for spiritual guidance, when your own "conscience" is all you are "responsible" to.
Oahspe tells exactly how all these religions on earth got started and WHO started them. Not only that, but gives an entire history of the major events which went on in heaven and on earth for the past 24 thousand years. There is also a book in Oahspe on science, but that is too complicated to touch on here.
Oahspe is the most fascinating book I have ever read and consider it to be the most important thing that has ever happen to me in my entire life. I now know that we all have "eternal life" and we were already "saved" as long as we believe in ANY KIND OF A GOD.
But the kind of a god we believe in is absolutely vital to WHERE WE GO, WHEN WE DIE. If Christ is your God, you go to his Kingdom, if Allah is your God, you go to his Kingdom, if Buddha is your God, you go to his Kingdom, etc. If you believe a statue in your backyard is god, then when you die, that is where you will go.
What about an atheist?
They are in danger of going out of EXISTENCE when they die. Pity them.
Friday, May 1, 2009
How to Destroy All Life on Earth: the Carrot and Earthworm Story
Once upon a time, there was this farmer, who grew fruits and vegetables for the primary purpose of harvesting the seeds, to sell to gardeners and other farmers. In this article I will be focusing on carrots, and the top soil, in which they are grown. As I tell you this story, I am going to point out the terrible things that can happen to this carrot, as it goes from "step to step" to get to it's final destination, which will be in some body's stomach, and the devastating effects, this sequence of events, can have on the whole world.
This farmer, who is growing fruits and vegetables, is definitely organic, and would close down his business, rather than adulterate any of his produce with chemical fertilizers and man made herbicides. He has been at this business so long, that he knows that his produce is pure organic.
When this farmer, puts a carrot seed into his soil, he knows that his soil is full of humus (decayed vegetable matter) and has lots of earthworm castings (purest fertilizer available) and he has never used manure from any animal. He does not like the idea of eating food that has been "eating" manure from animals.
It is natural for animals to defecate, and for these feces to drop on the ground and to stay there, until the natural process of decay returns this manure to the soil. But man found out that if he plowed this stuff into the soil it acted as a good fertilizer. The problem is that when this done, and plants develop on this raw manure, bacteria such as e.coli will be drawn right into the vegetables that are grown in that soil. Then when people eat those vegetables it will sicken them and sometimes will cause death. This is the reason why all manure should be composted, so that all bacteria, in that manure, is destroyed.
Since he has never used chemicals or poisons anywhere on his farm, he knows that his soil is a virtual paradise for countless micro-organisms and earthworms.
Once this carrot is grown to maturity and the seeds harvested, they are packaged and sold to his customers. One particular buyer of these seeds, is not an organic farmer. He is a corporate farmer and uses chemical fertilizers and sprays his soil with herbicides (poison) to kill weeds. He also is one of these farmers who uses the plow - disc - drag - plant system. This type of cultivation is very destructive to top soil because it expose the soil to evaporation by the sun and erosion by the wind. Once the soil is dried out, it takes very little wind to just blow away the top soil that the farmer needs in which to plant his crops.
Remember the dust bowl? That is the type of cultivation that contributed to the devastation of farming in America in the 1930's. Top soil by the tons, was blown away, in dust storms, which carried away that top soil for hundreds of miles. Because this corporate farmer also uses chemical fertilizers and herbicides, his soil is virtually lifeless of micro-organisms, healthy bacteria and earthworms. The chemical and herbicide (poison) farmer is bound to kill off earthworms in his soil by poisoning them and feeding them chemical fertilizer.
His plow + disc + drag + planting system = soil devastation to the top soil eventually. In other words, instead of healthy soil, he has nothing but DEAD DIRT in which to plant his seeds in, and the only way anything can grow there, is because of the chemical fertilizer he uses. There is "no way" that food grown in this manner can be as healthy as the organic way.
There is another method of soil cultivation that is gaining converts the world around. This new system is called NO-TILL. With no-till, various systems are used where the top soil is not turned over to be dried out by the sun and blown away by the wind. The no-till system is better than the plow, disc and drag system because it conserves top soil, helps to retain moisture in the soil and saves countless microorganism, microbes, grubs and earthworms that live in the soil. This is quite close to the way nature builds top soil, which is to allow plants to grow, distribute seed, die off in the fall, decay through the winter which returns organic matter to the top soil. Since no cultivation occurs in nature, top soil is not blown away. The no-till system uses this same system but speeds up the process by planting cover crops to increase the volume of plants that are put down for adding humus to the soil.
And still another system of soil cultivation is by using a rototiller. A rototiller is a type of cultivator which churns the soil and mixes completely anything which is growing in the soil. This system is the most superior type of system to put organic matter immediately into the soil to rapidly build humus and feed the earthworm population. This is a rapid way to build top soil and increase humus. The more you feed earthworms, the faster they will breed, which multiplies the earthworm castings that are deposited in the soil. The faster you can produce humus, which retains moisture, the less likely soil will be dried out and blown away, until the next crop is grown.
Many years ago, I was an avid reader of Organic Gardening And Farming Magazine. In one of those issues, I read about a farmer who used only a disc for cultivation. He would make only one pass, over the field to be planted, because behind the disc he also pulled his planter at the same time. He also had a system to plant certain legumes as cover crops to be disc-ed into the soil for putting certain nutrients back into the soil and to feed the earthworms and build humus. In a few years of this system, his earthworm population increased tremendously. Each earthworm will put his weight of castings (earthworm fertilizer) back in the soil every day. He claimed, that with this system, he built "one inch" of new top soil every year.
Of all the individual ecosystems found on earth, "none of them" are as important as the ecosystem, of the top soil, all around the world. Except for seafood and some trees, every bit of food, that man on earth consumes, comes from the few inches of top soil, that farmers and gardeners use to grow our food. "DESTROY THAT", and the world starves to death. So the earthworm becomes the most important creature on earth and the environmentalist, all over the world, should do everything in their power to put the earthworm on "The Most Endangered Species List" and force farmers all over the world to go organic. Save the earthworm and save humanity.
So, this chemical/poison farmer has grown this carrot and sells it wholesale to a grocery store. In the process of transporting fruits and vegetables to the retail store, it is important to keep all produce under refrigeration to insure that it is kept as fresh as possible. Also, once the produce reaches the retail store, it is important to keep produce under refrigeration to keep it fresh. But this particular carrot wasn't taken care of properly and was no longer fresh. The store owner doesn't think it looks very good, so he uses some sort of orange dye on it to make it look better. After all, he has bought this stuff and he wants to make some money off it.
If you think that grocery store personnel would never stoop to such practices, you are just uninformed. For instance, I eat a lot of raw broccoli because broccoli has more nutrients than any other vegetable. Every time I go to eat broccoli, I cut off the tops and throw the bottoms away because 95% of the nutrients are in the tops. After I cut off the tops, I always put these in a large bowl of water, to wash off any dust etc. that may be there. One time, when I did this, the water turned DARK GREEN. I picked up some of those tops and smelled them and they were rotten. The store owner had seen that the broccoli was past it's prime because it was turning light green and so he put dye on it to make it look fresh. By the time I bought that broccoli it LOOKED fine, but underneath all that dye, it was ROTTEN.
So, a woman comes to the store and buys this carrot, that has been grown in chemical/poisonous soil, along with some more carrots from the same source and takes them home for supper. She cleans off the carrots and cuts off the top 1 inch of the carrots where most of the food value is.
Next she decides to scrape off the skin of the carrot. This is also a big mistake. The outer covering or skin of fruits and vegetables are the protective covering or skin that nature puts there to protect the carrot from insects and bacteria. When people eat the outer covering of MOST fruits and vegetables, they are putting the same protection into their bodies that protected the fruit or vegetable.
Next she decides to practically destroy the carrots completely by tossing them in a pot and boiling them to "so much mush". Cooking always destroys food value depending on the type of cooking and duration of cooking time. Then to heap "insult on injury" to this mess, she decides to put sugar, spices, etc. into this stuff to make it taste better to please her family.
Since she has been feeding her family this way and basically giving them so much DEAD FOOD for so long, they are always coming down with all kinds of illnesses and she just doesn't understand why.
She takes her family to the local doctor, who tries to treat them with this drug or that drug or this antibiotic or that antibiotic and even though he may treat the symptoms and make them feel better for awhile, no real healing takes place because drugs and antibiotics are not natural and not healing.
Moral of This Story:
The Creator or God or Nature, by whatever name you want to call Him, made the carrot. He also made the seed for the carrot. Man can work with God or against Him. He made us humans and He alone knows what is best for us. He made the carrot with the right combination of nutrients suited for the well being of our bodies. When we humans get it into our heads to IMPROVE (?) on what the Maker has created for us, we take a big chance that we will "screw things up" and cause ourselves a lot of trouble.
When you go into a grocery store you are only going to see two different kinds of food. The first kind of food is that which is produced by nature like raw fruits, raw vegetables, raw nuts, legumes, etc. The second kind of food you will see is that which is produced by people in factories. Which kind of food, in general, do you think is the best for you to eat, the natural kind or the unnatural kind?
The top soil all around the world, is the only place where we can grow most of the food that we need for our survival. If this is destroyed, then our destruction is certain. If mankind will just concentrate on the earthworm's survival then we will survive. A good illustration of what I say here is shown in the early coal mining business. The reason miners used to carry a "canary in a cage" into the mines was to warn them to get out of the mine if the canary died. When the canary died they knew the air was bad and for them to vacate the mine as soon as possible.
If you want to speed up the process of organic farming in the world, there are at least two things you personally can do. First, buy organic produce whenever possible and second, help distribute this article to as many people as you can.
If you want to know how God wants us to eat, go here: http://www.gods-diet.com
If you are interested in advanced medical devices, go here: http://www.chi-hothouse.com
This farmer, who is growing fruits and vegetables, is definitely organic, and would close down his business, rather than adulterate any of his produce with chemical fertilizers and man made herbicides. He has been at this business so long, that he knows that his produce is pure organic.
When this farmer, puts a carrot seed into his soil, he knows that his soil is full of humus (decayed vegetable matter) and has lots of earthworm castings (purest fertilizer available) and he has never used manure from any animal. He does not like the idea of eating food that has been "eating" manure from animals.
It is natural for animals to defecate, and for these feces to drop on the ground and to stay there, until the natural process of decay returns this manure to the soil. But man found out that if he plowed this stuff into the soil it acted as a good fertilizer. The problem is that when this done, and plants develop on this raw manure, bacteria such as e.coli will be drawn right into the vegetables that are grown in that soil. Then when people eat those vegetables it will sicken them and sometimes will cause death. This is the reason why all manure should be composted, so that all bacteria, in that manure, is destroyed.
Since he has never used chemicals or poisons anywhere on his farm, he knows that his soil is a virtual paradise for countless micro-organisms and earthworms.
Once this carrot is grown to maturity and the seeds harvested, they are packaged and sold to his customers. One particular buyer of these seeds, is not an organic farmer. He is a corporate farmer and uses chemical fertilizers and sprays his soil with herbicides (poison) to kill weeds. He also is one of these farmers who uses the plow - disc - drag - plant system. This type of cultivation is very destructive to top soil because it expose the soil to evaporation by the sun and erosion by the wind. Once the soil is dried out, it takes very little wind to just blow away the top soil that the farmer needs in which to plant his crops.
Remember the dust bowl? That is the type of cultivation that contributed to the devastation of farming in America in the 1930's. Top soil by the tons, was blown away, in dust storms, which carried away that top soil for hundreds of miles. Because this corporate farmer also uses chemical fertilizers and herbicides, his soil is virtually lifeless of micro-organisms, healthy bacteria and earthworms. The chemical and herbicide (poison) farmer is bound to kill off earthworms in his soil by poisoning them and feeding them chemical fertilizer.
His plow + disc + drag + planting system = soil devastation to the top soil eventually. In other words, instead of healthy soil, he has nothing but DEAD DIRT in which to plant his seeds in, and the only way anything can grow there, is because of the chemical fertilizer he uses. There is "no way" that food grown in this manner can be as healthy as the organic way.
There is another method of soil cultivation that is gaining converts the world around. This new system is called NO-TILL. With no-till, various systems are used where the top soil is not turned over to be dried out by the sun and blown away by the wind. The no-till system is better than the plow, disc and drag system because it conserves top soil, helps to retain moisture in the soil and saves countless microorganism, microbes, grubs and earthworms that live in the soil. This is quite close to the way nature builds top soil, which is to allow plants to grow, distribute seed, die off in the fall, decay through the winter which returns organic matter to the top soil. Since no cultivation occurs in nature, top soil is not blown away. The no-till system uses this same system but speeds up the process by planting cover crops to increase the volume of plants that are put down for adding humus to the soil.
And still another system of soil cultivation is by using a rototiller. A rototiller is a type of cultivator which churns the soil and mixes completely anything which is growing in the soil. This system is the most superior type of system to put organic matter immediately into the soil to rapidly build humus and feed the earthworm population. This is a rapid way to build top soil and increase humus. The more you feed earthworms, the faster they will breed, which multiplies the earthworm castings that are deposited in the soil. The faster you can produce humus, which retains moisture, the less likely soil will be dried out and blown away, until the next crop is grown.
Many years ago, I was an avid reader of Organic Gardening And Farming Magazine. In one of those issues, I read about a farmer who used only a disc for cultivation. He would make only one pass, over the field to be planted, because behind the disc he also pulled his planter at the same time. He also had a system to plant certain legumes as cover crops to be disc-ed into the soil for putting certain nutrients back into the soil and to feed the earthworms and build humus. In a few years of this system, his earthworm population increased tremendously. Each earthworm will put his weight of castings (earthworm fertilizer) back in the soil every day. He claimed, that with this system, he built "one inch" of new top soil every year.
Of all the individual ecosystems found on earth, "none of them" are as important as the ecosystem, of the top soil, all around the world. Except for seafood and some trees, every bit of food, that man on earth consumes, comes from the few inches of top soil, that farmers and gardeners use to grow our food. "DESTROY THAT", and the world starves to death. So the earthworm becomes the most important creature on earth and the environmentalist, all over the world, should do everything in their power to put the earthworm on "The Most Endangered Species List" and force farmers all over the world to go organic. Save the earthworm and save humanity.
So, this chemical/poison farmer has grown this carrot and sells it wholesale to a grocery store. In the process of transporting fruits and vegetables to the retail store, it is important to keep all produce under refrigeration to insure that it is kept as fresh as possible. Also, once the produce reaches the retail store, it is important to keep produce under refrigeration to keep it fresh. But this particular carrot wasn't taken care of properly and was no longer fresh. The store owner doesn't think it looks very good, so he uses some sort of orange dye on it to make it look better. After all, he has bought this stuff and he wants to make some money off it.
If you think that grocery store personnel would never stoop to such practices, you are just uninformed. For instance, I eat a lot of raw broccoli because broccoli has more nutrients than any other vegetable. Every time I go to eat broccoli, I cut off the tops and throw the bottoms away because 95% of the nutrients are in the tops. After I cut off the tops, I always put these in a large bowl of water, to wash off any dust etc. that may be there. One time, when I did this, the water turned DARK GREEN. I picked up some of those tops and smelled them and they were rotten. The store owner had seen that the broccoli was past it's prime because it was turning light green and so he put dye on it to make it look fresh. By the time I bought that broccoli it LOOKED fine, but underneath all that dye, it was ROTTEN.
So, a woman comes to the store and buys this carrot, that has been grown in chemical/poisonous soil, along with some more carrots from the same source and takes them home for supper. She cleans off the carrots and cuts off the top 1 inch of the carrots where most of the food value is.
Next she decides to scrape off the skin of the carrot. This is also a big mistake. The outer covering or skin of fruits and vegetables are the protective covering or skin that nature puts there to protect the carrot from insects and bacteria. When people eat the outer covering of MOST fruits and vegetables, they are putting the same protection into their bodies that protected the fruit or vegetable.
Next she decides to practically destroy the carrots completely by tossing them in a pot and boiling them to "so much mush". Cooking always destroys food value depending on the type of cooking and duration of cooking time. Then to heap "insult on injury" to this mess, she decides to put sugar, spices, etc. into this stuff to make it taste better to please her family.
Since she has been feeding her family this way and basically giving them so much DEAD FOOD for so long, they are always coming down with all kinds of illnesses and she just doesn't understand why.
She takes her family to the local doctor, who tries to treat them with this drug or that drug or this antibiotic or that antibiotic and even though he may treat the symptoms and make them feel better for awhile, no real healing takes place because drugs and antibiotics are not natural and not healing.
Moral of This Story:
The Creator or God or Nature, by whatever name you want to call Him, made the carrot. He also made the seed for the carrot. Man can work with God or against Him. He made us humans and He alone knows what is best for us. He made the carrot with the right combination of nutrients suited for the well being of our bodies. When we humans get it into our heads to IMPROVE (?) on what the Maker has created for us, we take a big chance that we will "screw things up" and cause ourselves a lot of trouble.
When you go into a grocery store you are only going to see two different kinds of food. The first kind of food is that which is produced by nature like raw fruits, raw vegetables, raw nuts, legumes, etc. The second kind of food you will see is that which is produced by people in factories. Which kind of food, in general, do you think is the best for you to eat, the natural kind or the unnatural kind?
The top soil all around the world, is the only place where we can grow most of the food that we need for our survival. If this is destroyed, then our destruction is certain. If mankind will just concentrate on the earthworm's survival then we will survive. A good illustration of what I say here is shown in the early coal mining business. The reason miners used to carry a "canary in a cage" into the mines was to warn them to get out of the mine if the canary died. When the canary died they knew the air was bad and for them to vacate the mine as soon as possible.
If you want to speed up the process of organic farming in the world, there are at least two things you personally can do. First, buy organic produce whenever possible and second, help distribute this article to as many people as you can.
If you want to know how God wants us to eat, go here: http://www.gods-diet.com
If you are interested in advanced medical devices, go here: http://www.chi-hothouse.com
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Freedom of Religion: Who is Wrong Here?
For more years that I can accurately count, about 50, I guess, certain members of my family, siblings and parents specifically, in one manner or another, from time to time, have let it be known to me, that because I have "dropped" the Christian faith, in favor of becoming a Faithist, that I am surely going to BURN IN HELL.
They have done this to me, without taking, not the least interest in my choice, nor spent any time what-so-ever, trying to find out what this religion is all about. So, I am being judged, wholly and completely, out of total ignorance, prejudice, discrimination, closed mindedness, fear, and, as far as I am concerned, a complete lack of even a modicum of consideration towards me, to have the right to live my own life, as I see fit, and to choose my own faith and religion as my own conscience dictates.
If this were the old days in Europe, they would have, by now, turned me over to the Inquisitors, and I would have been ostracized, tortured and probably burned at the stake. The reason why people, in Europe, came to this land, so many years ago, was to escape the terrible religious intolerance that was so rampant in the old world, so many years ago. The people who embrace these religions, that threaten hell to GET and HOLD their members, support the most restrictive religions on the face of this planet.
There is no way a loving Heavenly Father would ever throw his created humans in hell just because they chose this religion or that. As a matter of fact, it is people who THREATEN OTHERS with hell that are the ones who are in danger of some sort of hell. If the members of my family had taken an interest in my religion, and had read the Faithist bible, Oahspe, they would RUN from the Christian religion faster than a rabbit runs from a wolf. Do you think I am kidding you? Read Oahspe and find out for yourself.
I know for a fact, that if every person in the world would go to religious instruction, into every religion on earth and learn all about every one of them, the Faithist religion would definatly be the top choice out of all of them.
It is a fact, that 95% of all people on this planet, embrace and believe in the religion that they were raised in. Since when is that a "personal choice" since it was jammed into their young minds by the adults in their lives.
Suppose, that instead of parents raising their children in the religion "of the parents", that all children were taught about all religions. That way, they could then make an intelligent choice of their own, instead of being forced to believe what their parents made them believe. The world, right now faces destruction because of the conflicts between the Christian, Muslim and Jewish religions all over this world. Children are being taught to fear, hate, distrust and sometimes kill people who do not believe the way they believe.
I was raised in the Christian faith, but because I wanted to know about all religions, I studied into all of them and found out that the Faithist religion was far superior to all the other religions on earth. The Faithist religion predates all other religions by thousands of years. Oahspe is a history book going back over 78,000 years and tells how all of these religions got started and who started them. It is, without a doubt, the most fascinating book I have ever read.
Oahspe goes into great detail about all these religions and after a person reads what Oahspe tells them, then they can understand why these conflicts are going on in the world today.
You can read Oahspe here: http://www.oahspe.org
Also, when you go into a grocery store or supermarket, you are going to be able to see only two "types" of foods; foods made by God like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc. and foods made by factories in boxes, cans, jars, etc. Now who do you think knows more about what is good for you, God or people?
You can read about God's diet here: http://www.gods-diet.com
They have done this to me, without taking, not the least interest in my choice, nor spent any time what-so-ever, trying to find out what this religion is all about. So, I am being judged, wholly and completely, out of total ignorance, prejudice, discrimination, closed mindedness, fear, and, as far as I am concerned, a complete lack of even a modicum of consideration towards me, to have the right to live my own life, as I see fit, and to choose my own faith and religion as my own conscience dictates.
If this were the old days in Europe, they would have, by now, turned me over to the Inquisitors, and I would have been ostracized, tortured and probably burned at the stake. The reason why people, in Europe, came to this land, so many years ago, was to escape the terrible religious intolerance that was so rampant in the old world, so many years ago. The people who embrace these religions, that threaten hell to GET and HOLD their members, support the most restrictive religions on the face of this planet.
There is no way a loving Heavenly Father would ever throw his created humans in hell just because they chose this religion or that. As a matter of fact, it is people who THREATEN OTHERS with hell that are the ones who are in danger of some sort of hell. If the members of my family had taken an interest in my religion, and had read the Faithist bible, Oahspe, they would RUN from the Christian religion faster than a rabbit runs from a wolf. Do you think I am kidding you? Read Oahspe and find out for yourself.
I know for a fact, that if every person in the world would go to religious instruction, into every religion on earth and learn all about every one of them, the Faithist religion would definatly be the top choice out of all of them.
It is a fact, that 95% of all people on this planet, embrace and believe in the religion that they were raised in. Since when is that a "personal choice" since it was jammed into their young minds by the adults in their lives.
Suppose, that instead of parents raising their children in the religion "of the parents", that all children were taught about all religions. That way, they could then make an intelligent choice of their own, instead of being forced to believe what their parents made them believe. The world, right now faces destruction because of the conflicts between the Christian, Muslim and Jewish religions all over this world. Children are being taught to fear, hate, distrust and sometimes kill people who do not believe the way they believe.
I was raised in the Christian faith, but because I wanted to know about all religions, I studied into all of them and found out that the Faithist religion was far superior to all the other religions on earth. The Faithist religion predates all other religions by thousands of years. Oahspe is a history book going back over 78,000 years and tells how all of these religions got started and who started them. It is, without a doubt, the most fascinating book I have ever read.
Oahspe goes into great detail about all these religions and after a person reads what Oahspe tells them, then they can understand why these conflicts are going on in the world today.
You can read Oahspe here: http://www.oahspe.org
Also, when you go into a grocery store or supermarket, you are going to be able to see only two "types" of foods; foods made by God like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc. and foods made by factories in boxes, cans, jars, etc. Now who do you think knows more about what is good for you, God or people?
You can read about God's diet here: http://www.gods-diet.com
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Drugs and the Story About Dr. Druggard
Once upon a time, this woman went to her family physician, Dr. Druggard, with a constipation problem. The doctor thought for a moment, and decided to prescribe a new drug, a salesman from a drug company said was the latest thing for treating constipation. The drug had some possible "side effects", and the doctor told the patient to read the possible side effects, and report to him if any of them showed up.
One of the possible side effects was urinary incontinence, which happened to the woman, and she had to start wearing "diapers". The woman went to her doctor and told him what had happened. He said for her "not to worry", because he had "another drug" that would stop the incontinence. The incontinence drug had possible "side effects" and the doctor told the woman to tell him if any of "them" showed up.
About two weeks went by and she developed a skin rash, which was one of the side effects of the incontinence drug. She went to her doctor to tell him what had happened. He said for her "not to worry", because a drug company, had just come out with a new drug, that would take care of her skin rash. This drug "also" had side effects, and the doctor told the woman to be sure to tell him if any "of them" showed up.
Only a few days had passed and she started "seeing double" which was one of the side effects of this new drug. This time, the doctor told her he had "run out of drugs" to treat her new problem and told her to go see her eye doctor.
When she went to her eye doctor, he ask her what she thought might have cause the double vision problem. Whereupon the woman told him the whole story, from constipation on down. The eye doctor told her, that before he would try to fix her eye problem, she should find out what caused her problem of constipation in the first place. So she did some research on the web and found out that eating "white flour foods", like pasta, donuts, cookies, bread, rolls, etc., cause constipation because they have very little fiber in them.
She called her family doctor and told him what she had found out. She asked him, "why didn't you tell me what had caused the problem in the first place." The doctor told her, that he was "trained" to treat people with drugs, and did not know anything about that natural stuff.
The average medical doctor, receives very little training in medial school concerning nutrition, in spite of the fact, that the lack of proper nutrition is the primary cause of every disease afflicting mankind. It also is a well known fact, in the alternative field of medicine, that the application of proper nutrition is the foundation of all healing processes. I have spent the last 50 years researching the power of nutritional healing and I have condensed all of that here "free" to the entire world. http://www.gods-diet.com
You can also receive the power of CHI and the sun's healing Far Infrared Rays here: http://www.chinow.com/healnow/
One of the possible side effects was urinary incontinence, which happened to the woman, and she had to start wearing "diapers". The woman went to her doctor and told him what had happened. He said for her "not to worry", because he had "another drug" that would stop the incontinence. The incontinence drug had possible "side effects" and the doctor told the woman to tell him if any of "them" showed up.
About two weeks went by and she developed a skin rash, which was one of the side effects of the incontinence drug. She went to her doctor to tell him what had happened. He said for her "not to worry", because a drug company, had just come out with a new drug, that would take care of her skin rash. This drug "also" had side effects, and the doctor told the woman to be sure to tell him if any "of them" showed up.
Only a few days had passed and she started "seeing double" which was one of the side effects of this new drug. This time, the doctor told her he had "run out of drugs" to treat her new problem and told her to go see her eye doctor.
When she went to her eye doctor, he ask her what she thought might have cause the double vision problem. Whereupon the woman told him the whole story, from constipation on down. The eye doctor told her, that before he would try to fix her eye problem, she should find out what caused her problem of constipation in the first place. So she did some research on the web and found out that eating "white flour foods", like pasta, donuts, cookies, bread, rolls, etc., cause constipation because they have very little fiber in them.
She called her family doctor and told him what she had found out. She asked him, "why didn't you tell me what had caused the problem in the first place." The doctor told her, that he was "trained" to treat people with drugs, and did not know anything about that natural stuff.
The average medical doctor, receives very little training in medial school concerning nutrition, in spite of the fact, that the lack of proper nutrition is the primary cause of every disease afflicting mankind. It also is a well known fact, in the alternative field of medicine, that the application of proper nutrition is the foundation of all healing processes. I have spent the last 50 years researching the power of nutritional healing and I have condensed all of that here "free" to the entire world. http://www.gods-diet.com
You can also receive the power of CHI and the sun's healing Far Infrared Rays here: http://www.chinow.com/healnow/
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Oahspe - The New Bible and How it Was Written
Back in the 1800's, from 1848 until about 1900, spiritualism was very popular in America. It all started on the night of March 31, 1848 in Hydesville, New York when some young girls, of the Fox family, decided to try to communicate with a spirit that had been haunting their house. By a series of knocks, back and forth between the girls and the spirit, it told them he had been murdered in that house and his bones could be found buried in the basement. Sure enough, they dug up the floor and there they were.
Well, that stated a frenzy of interest in "spirits of the dead" which continued all over America for the next 50 years. A certain John Ballou Newbrough, became fascinated in the phenomenon and delved into seances of his own. Newbrough found out he was a medium himself, in the sense that spirits could control his arms and hands and when they did that, he had no control of his arms at all.
After many years of his involvement in spiritualism, he was awakened in the middle of the night with a bright light in his bedroom. Startled, he saw angels at the foot of his bed. They asked him if he would do something for the Creator of the Universe, Jehovih. He asked them what did they want him to do? They told him to live a spiritual life for ten years. He asked them how to do that. They told him to stop eating the flesh of dead animals, dairy foods and do charity work and to never send a bill to his patients. Dr. Newbrough was a dentist.
After the angels told him that, they just left. Dr. Newbrough did as they asked him to do and at the end of those ten years, the angels came to his bedroom again. They told him to buy a typewriter, which had just been invented, and to sit at that typewriter every morning before sunrise. Dr. Newbrough, who did not even know how to type, did as he was told and a yellow light shown down 'through the ceiling' on his hands and started typing a manuscript.
After doing this for one year, the angels told him to published it and call it Oahspe which means SKY-EARTH-SPIRIT. Dr. Newbrough said that one time he got up from the typewriter, as the light shown down on his hands, and as he held his hands out a window, he could see that yellow light going up in the sky as far as he could see.
The story about the Fox sisters is a very sad one. Because the subject of spiritualism was so controversial, at that time, and still is, these females had a lifetime of problems connected to their involvement in this period of American history. They had so many problems, that eventually they ended up discrediting their own story, about their experiences, just to get the public to leave them alone. But the facts are still there. Those bones were found buried in the basement, just like the spirit told them.
Besides that, if anyone would delve extensively into spiritualism, they will discover, that it is a fact, that people do survive physical death, to be alive in the spirit world. Many books have been written on this subject. One such book entitled "Loves Answer From Eternity" by Jeanne C. Belt is an example of automatic writing from Jeanne Belt's own husband.
When Guy, her husband died, he was able to use Jeanne's hands, and wrote to her every morning for a long time. He told her what it was like in the spirit world and begged her to let him go, so that he could go on in his spiritual life. When he died, she missed him so much, that this kept him here on earth and next to her and he could not leave her, until she let him go by not missing him so much. This book is very rare and has been sold for a lot of money.
There is the Association For Research And Enlightenment at Virginia Beach, VA - that has thousands of worldwide members, as a result of the readings given by Edgar Cayce while under a trance. Edgar Cayce was able to answer any question put to him about health, life after death, history and numerous other topics. He gave many thousands of these readings over the span of many years. Because of his readings on health to hundreds of people, he is called the Father of Holistic Medicine.
In the early part of my marriage to my ex-wife, we tried to use a Ouija board. This is a board with the alphabet and numbers printed on it with a little pointer which a person is supposed to put their fingers on and ask the board questions. Spirits in the room, which you cannot see, will then try to use your hands to move the pointer to answer your questions. We practiced quit a lot and eventually we started getting answers to questions. It was going along pretty good until one day we got this message saying: "LEAVE THIS ALONE!" Well, needless to say, we did not mess with the Ouija board anymore after that.
Why is the Ouija board so dangerous? Because you do not know what kind of spirits you are dealing with, that's why. I read a story about a person who started hearing a soft voice in his ear once in awhile. It would tell him things like - where he had lost something or who was saying good or bad things about him and what the neighbors were doing, etc. He got dependent on this voice and it got stronger and stronger until it was controlling his life. He ended up spending a small fortune under the care of a psychiatrist to get rid of this spirit.
After Oahspe was published, the editor of a newspaper asked Dr. Newbrough to write an article telling him how Oahspe was written. Dr. Newbrough did not tell this editor the whole story. You can read Dr. Newbrough's actual letter here: http://esfoma.blogspot.com/2009/02/origin-of-oahspe.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donald_Ballard
Donald Ballard - EzineArticles Expert Author
Well, that stated a frenzy of interest in "spirits of the dead" which continued all over America for the next 50 years. A certain John Ballou Newbrough, became fascinated in the phenomenon and delved into seances of his own. Newbrough found out he was a medium himself, in the sense that spirits could control his arms and hands and when they did that, he had no control of his arms at all.
After many years of his involvement in spiritualism, he was awakened in the middle of the night with a bright light in his bedroom. Startled, he saw angels at the foot of his bed. They asked him if he would do something for the Creator of the Universe, Jehovih. He asked them what did they want him to do? They told him to live a spiritual life for ten years. He asked them how to do that. They told him to stop eating the flesh of dead animals, dairy foods and do charity work and to never send a bill to his patients. Dr. Newbrough was a dentist.
After the angels told him that, they just left. Dr. Newbrough did as they asked him to do and at the end of those ten years, the angels came to his bedroom again. They told him to buy a typewriter, which had just been invented, and to sit at that typewriter every morning before sunrise. Dr. Newbrough, who did not even know how to type, did as he was told and a yellow light shown down 'through the ceiling' on his hands and started typing a manuscript.
After doing this for one year, the angels told him to published it and call it Oahspe which means SKY-EARTH-SPIRIT. Dr. Newbrough said that one time he got up from the typewriter, as the light shown down on his hands, and as he held his hands out a window, he could see that yellow light going up in the sky as far as he could see.
The story about the Fox sisters is a very sad one. Because the subject of spiritualism was so controversial, at that time, and still is, these females had a lifetime of problems connected to their involvement in this period of American history. They had so many problems, that eventually they ended up discrediting their own story, about their experiences, just to get the public to leave them alone. But the facts are still there. Those bones were found buried in the basement, just like the spirit told them.
Besides that, if anyone would delve extensively into spiritualism, they will discover, that it is a fact, that people do survive physical death, to be alive in the spirit world. Many books have been written on this subject. One such book entitled "Loves Answer From Eternity" by Jeanne C. Belt is an example of automatic writing from Jeanne Belt's own husband.
When Guy, her husband died, he was able to use Jeanne's hands, and wrote to her every morning for a long time. He told her what it was like in the spirit world and begged her to let him go, so that he could go on in his spiritual life. When he died, she missed him so much, that this kept him here on earth and next to her and he could not leave her, until she let him go by not missing him so much. This book is very rare and has been sold for a lot of money.
There is the Association For Research And Enlightenment at Virginia Beach, VA - that has thousands of worldwide members, as a result of the readings given by Edgar Cayce while under a trance. Edgar Cayce was able to answer any question put to him about health, life after death, history and numerous other topics. He gave many thousands of these readings over the span of many years. Because of his readings on health to hundreds of people, he is called the Father of Holistic Medicine.
In the early part of my marriage to my ex-wife, we tried to use a Ouija board. This is a board with the alphabet and numbers printed on it with a little pointer which a person is supposed to put their fingers on and ask the board questions. Spirits in the room, which you cannot see, will then try to use your hands to move the pointer to answer your questions. We practiced quit a lot and eventually we started getting answers to questions. It was going along pretty good until one day we got this message saying: "LEAVE THIS ALONE!" Well, needless to say, we did not mess with the Ouija board anymore after that.
Why is the Ouija board so dangerous? Because you do not know what kind of spirits you are dealing with, that's why. I read a story about a person who started hearing a soft voice in his ear once in awhile. It would tell him things like - where he had lost something or who was saying good or bad things about him and what the neighbors were doing, etc. He got dependent on this voice and it got stronger and stronger until it was controlling his life. He ended up spending a small fortune under the care of a psychiatrist to get rid of this spirit.
After Oahspe was published, the editor of a newspaper asked Dr. Newbrough to write an article telling him how Oahspe was written. Dr. Newbrough did not tell this editor the whole story. You can read Dr. Newbrough's actual letter here: http://esfoma.blogspot.com/2009/02/origin-of-oahspe.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donald_Ballard
Donald Ballard - EzineArticles Expert Author
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Origin of Oahspe

by John Ballou Newbrough
New York--January 21st, 1883.
To the Editor of The Banner of Light
Boston, Mass.
Dear Sir:
In compliance with your request that I furnish for publication a brief article in regard to the writing of Oahspe, the new bible, I cheerfully proceed to do so.
You have observed, no doubt, that in Oahspe no mention is made of the manner in which the book was written, nor by whom. Well, was it not plain to anybody acquainted with such matters, that any statement on my part would not be believed by persons unacquainted with spiritual manifestations? And had I said that I myself wrote it, my own acquaintances would have known better. Had I said that the angels wrote it through my hands, then I would have been denounced as a pretender.
Again, if a book have merit, what matters it, as to who wrote it? And if it have no merit, then certainly it does not matter whence it came. The time has been when the name of an author clothed his product with some sort of authority. I rejoice that that day is past; that man-worship is at an end, and that all books, including Bibles, are perused not as authorities, but as pastimes, to lead us nearer and nearer to the Everlasting Light. And if a man turn out a good book, I accord him little more credit than I would a ripe apple for being on the sunny side of the tree. But I rejoice most of all because our Heavenly Father, through his angels co-operating with our forefathers, provided us a government that protects us in publishing our highest conceptions, regardless of creeds or dogmas.
Why, to-day we have Protestant preachers in their pulpits denying the inspiration of the Old and New Testaments, and only in the slightest possible degree less than Thomas Paine. They begin to judge so-called sacred books according to what they are, and not by a supposed authority. This is progress, undoubtedly.
On reflecting on these things, it was concluded to publish the first edition of Oahspe without any reference to its authorship. No attempt has been made to conceal the method in which, it was written, but most of the particulars have been told from time to time to inquiring friends.
Briefly, then, Oahspe was mechanically written through my hands by some other intelligence than my own. Many spiritualists are acquainted with this automatic movement of the hands, independent of one's volition. There are thousands and thousands of persons who have this quality. It can also be educated, or rather, the susceptibility to external power can be increased.
In my own case I discovered, many years ago, in sitting in circles to obtain spiritual manifestations, that my hands could not lie on the table without flying off into these "tantrums." Often they would write messages, left or right, back-ward or forward, nor could I control them in any other way than by withdrawing from the table. Sometimes the power thus baffled would attack my tongue, or my eyes, or my ears, and I talked and saw and heard differently from my normal state. Then I went to work in earnest to investigate spiritualism, and I investigated over two hundred mediums, traveling hundreds and hundreds of miles for this purpose.
Often I took them to my own house and experimented with them to my heart's content. I found that nearly all of them were subject to this involuntary movement of the hands, or to entrancement. They told me it was angels controlling them. In course of time, about ten or fifteen years, I began to believe in spiritualism. But I was not satisfied with the communications; I was craving for the light of heaven. I did not desire communications from friends or relatives, or information about earthly things; I wished to learn something about the spirit-world; what the angels did, how they traveled, and the general plan of the universe.
So, after awhile I took it into my head that wise and exalted angels would commune better with us if we purified ourselves physically and spiritually. Then I gave up eating flesh and fish, milk and butter, and took to rising before day, bathing twice a day, and occupying a small room alone, where I sat every morning half-an-hour before sunrise, recounting daily to my Creator my shortcomings in governing myself in thought and deed. In six years training I reduced myself from two hundred and fifty pounds down to one hundred and eighty; my rheumatism was all gone, and I had no more headaches. I became limber and sprightly. A new lease of life came to me.
Then a new condition of control came upon my hands; instead of the angels holding my hands as formerly, they held their hands over my head (and they were clothed with sufficient materiality for me to see them) and a light fell upon my hands as they lay on the table. In the meantime I had attained to hear audible angel voices near me. I was directed to get a typewriter, which writes by keys, like a piano. This I did, and I applied myself industriously to learn it, but with only indifferent success.
For two years more the angels propounded to me questions relative to heaven and earth, which no mortal could answer very intelligently. I always look back on those two years as an enigma. Perhaps it was to show me that man is but an ignoramus at best; perhaps I was waiting for constitutional growth to be good. Well, one morning the light struck both my hands on the back, and they went for the typewriter, for some fifteen minutes, very vigorously.
I was told not to read what was printed, and I had worked myself into such a religious fear of losing this new power that I obeyed reverently. The next morning, also before sunrise, the same power came and wrote (or printed rather) again. Again I laid the matter away very religiously, saying little about it to anybody. One morning I accidentally (seemed accidental to me) looked out of the window and beheld the line of light that rested on my hands extending heavenward like a telegraph wire towards the sky. Over my head were three pairs of hands, fully materialized; behind me stood another angel, with her hands on my shoulders. My looking did not disturb the scene; my hands kept right on, printing . . . printing.
For fifty weeks this continued, every morning half-an-hour or so before sunrise, and then it ceased, and I was told to read and publish the book Oahspe. The peculiar drawings in Oahspe were made with pencil in the same way. A few of the drawings I was told to copy from other books, such as Saturn, the Egyptian ceremonies, etc.
Now during all the while I have pursued my vocation (dentistry) nor has this matter nor my diet (vegetables, fruit and farinaceous food) detracted any from my health or strength, although I have continued this discipline for upwards of ten or more years. I am firmly convinced that there are numberless persons who might attain to marvelous development if they would thus train themselves. A strict integrity to one's highest light is essential to development. Self-abnegation and purity should be the motto and discipline of every one capable of angel communion.
Yours truly,
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