Because America was attacked on 9-11-2001, which resulted in the destruction of the World Trade Center and almost 3000 lives, I took an interest in world affairs in a big way.
I had already done a lot of research into religion by reading the Edgar Cayce Readings, Oahspe, the Christian Bible, the Koran and numerous other books and articles over the years including information on the Crusades.
I had dreams telling me that an atomic war was possible in the Middle East because of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and was told an atomic war was possible between the United States and China because of the Taiwan issue or from some other cause.
I would get on my computer and do research on numerous web sites and also read my e-mail which had many articles sent to me from various sources. The main websites I researched from were:,,,,,,, and several links at What I have been reading in these past four years is very disturbing, especially concerning the Middle East and the dictators in China.
I had read a lot of stuff about China that bothered me, but just recently I have found some information that makes the CHINA THREAT a lot worse that I had previously realized. At I read a write up on a book named "Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America" by Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui.
This write up says that this book talks about an attack on the World Trade Center, attacks by hackers and this book mentions Osama bin Laden several times. This article says China's military planners consider terrorism an essential tool of warfare against America.
Since 9-11 these Colonels have been praised as heroes in China because of the book. The Chinese propaganda machine is making money on terrorists attacks against America producing books, films, video games that glorify these strikes against America who they say is an arrogant nation.
Some Communistic officials have reported that, the then president of China, Jaing Zemin watched over and over the pictures of the World Trade Center destruction with great joy.
I have an article from, dated Saturday, Oct. 26, 2002, written from Crawford, TX, about one year after the attack on America, about a meeting George Bush had with Jiang Zemin at the Presidents ranch. I don't think President Bush had any knowledge of Jiang Zemin's attitude or there is "no way" George Bush would have ever had that man in his home as a guest.
According to this article, China considers the Untied States of America it's worst enemy. That is understandable since we in America are a democratic Nation and China is a dictatorship. America is the main Nation that stands in the way of the dictators in China from ruling over all other Nations on this planet.
China is trying to get other Nations to join them in destroying America in any way they can to take America down. The book shows plans to use hackers, illegal immigrants, mass market manipulation where "liberals condemn our officials" in their efforts to defend and protect America. They have plans to manipulate our stock, bond and currency markets and ultimately to use weapons of mass destruction to destroy the United States of America.
According to this write up, there are recent press reports that China has assisted and continues to assist the Taliban and al-Qaeda. They have done this BEFORE and AFTER 9-11-2001. If that doesn't wake up these liberals, I don't think anything will until the missiles are on their way to destroy us.
This write up says that the media and Congress are keeping the American people from knowing about this because of economic and trade relations.
Now isn't that just "ducky". Since when do we need trade relations with a Communistic Dictatorship that is going to use the technology, gained through trade relations, to destroy us?
We, in America, have allies. Some of them are staunch and some of them "wishy-washy" because we buy them money. The staunch allies can see very plainly that this dictatorial nation of China wants everything THEIR WAY or you don't do business with them. They don't play fair and they never will until the world community stands up to them and treats them they same way they treat us.
They have not privatized the most important companies they control because CONTROL IS WHAT THEY THRIVE ON. The only companies they privatize are companies they consider unimportant to their vital interests. So when they come over here and try to buy a company we consider "vital to us" they get all "bent out of shape" because they didn't get away with it.
There is an article on under Adviser Soapbox entitled "Red China's Wrong Moves" by Carlton Delfeld 08.01.05 2:30 ET
He says Red China will take the 700 billions of dollars they have accumulated and go on a shopping spree. They will buy as many foreign companies that they can get their hands on. Will they let companies, in other counties, buy companies in China? Of course not. Like I said, they don't play fair. Their attitude is, IT'S OUR WAY OR THE HIGHWAY.
There is a website named operated by Dr. Joe Duarte. I get e-mail articles from him and he is concisely informative on what is happening around the world along with and
I got an e-mail article from him dated August 1, 2005 which was a shocker. The title of this write-up was:
This article is five and a half pages long so this is the highlights only. If you go the Joe's web site, click on "archives" and see if you can get it. If not, e-mail him for help.
He says that the attempted take over of Unocal is just a continuation of China's relentless determination to acquire key technology and natural resources.
He quotes that Communist China is determined to acquire energy resources, minerals, materials, technologies, choke points and regions all over the globe to replace the United States as the dominate nation on earth. National says that China is determined to defeat the United States one way or the other, either economically or strategically or in warfare.
National says that Communist China is following the strategy of Sun Tsu and believe they can conquer the United States without war but will use war if necessary.
Joe tells an interesting story about an American company that was bought by China and the company ended up totally closed down and shipped to China and all Americans lost their jobs. But that isn't the worst part. China knows damn well what they need to destroy America and they are continually getting the technology and natural resources to do the job. The information was acquired from Insight Magazine and Jeffery St. Clair of
The company's name is Magnequench and what did they do? Oh nothing much, just neodymium-iron-boron magnets which are crucial in the guidance system of cruise missiles and the JDAM bomb. And guess what? Magnequench enjoys a near monopoly on this technology and supplies 85% of the rare-earth magnets used in servo motors of these guided missiles and bombs. See! China knows what to buy, to do what they are planning to do.
According to, one of the reasons that the U.S. had to delay the attack on Iraq was because of the shortage of JDAM's.
He quotes the Conservative Voice that China has acquired the ability to disrupt our entire economy and that investments from China is a potential threat to America. They give the example of Magnaquench which was moved to China costing Americans jobs and "giving away" high tech knowledge and manufacturing capabilities.
He says that American businessmen have, for the past ten years been involved in activities with China which could involve threats to our national security. He says according to
He writes about a research report way back in 1999 from the:
These were the shocking conclusions:
1. U.S. High Tech Companies had to transfer advanced United States Technology in order to have market access in China.
2. Most U.S. and foreign companies were willing to pay the price of state-of-the-art technologies just to do business in China.
3. The Chinese Dictators demand that all foreign companies must transfer state-of-the-art technologies to them or they cannot do business in China.
This report went on to say (remember, this is in 1999, about six years ago): Unless China makes changes in their regulations, high technologies to China will continue, enhancing Chinese competitiveness in important sectors. The report goes on to say that this will worsen our trade imbalance with China. The report concluded that these high technology transfers could effect our national security and could benefit China's military modernization.
Joe's conclusion points out the worst point in all of this information: We have LIBERAL forces inside of our own Government that has allowed these things to happen in the first place. There is NO WAY a conservative attitude would have ever allowed China to be given the best technology in the world since they are HELL BENT on our destruction.
Joe has extensively shown that China is trying to corner the supply of strategic natural resources, especially "rare earth minerals".
Anytime someone writes a book on a subject like this, it is always a good idea to see if other people agree with these authors. There are at least two ways to check this out. One way is to type the name of the book in and see if other people have written anything along the same lines. When I typed in "Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America", these were the other books that this website had along the same lines:
"The China Threat" by Bill Gertz
"The Coming Conflict with China (Vintage)" by Richard Bernstein
"Hegemon: China's Plan to Dominate Asia and the World" by Steven W. Mosher
"Seeds of War: China and the Story Behind the Attack on America" by Gorden Thomas
"Treachery: How America's Friends and Foes are Secretly Arming Our Enemies" by Bill Gerts
"Red Dragon Rising: Communist China's Military Threat to America" by Edward Timperlake
"The New Chinese Empire: And What it Means for the United States" by Ross Terril
"China: The Gathering Threat" by Constantine C. Menges
"Interpreting China's Grand Strategy: Past, Present and Future" by Michael D. Swaine
The second thing you can do is type words in a search engine like I typed "china threat" in at and got 11,200,000 links. Obviously there is "massive evidence" that China is a threat to the United States of America and to the rest of the world.
What do I think about all of this? I have heard the voice of God, Jehovih, angels and my guardian angel Justin, for over forty years. The book you are reading now, "A Love Letter to Charlotte Church," is a production of the Spirit World, much more than from me.
God told me several months ago, that if I did not do what He told me to do, it would be the "end of the world" as we know it today.
He also told me to tell the truth about Christ and all of these religions on earth. He told me to MAKE AMERICA STRONG. He told me to tell the world about everything you find in this book because these are things that man needs to know about in order to have peace on earth.
He sent me a dream showing that China had sent an ICBM to the Eastern part of America. Since it was only one ICBM, it could mean "symbolically" a "shot across the bow" to warn us to stay out of the Taiwan issue. But this is only a guess on my part.
Now, concerning China's rapid advancement in the last few years: this is understandable when you consider that China is a dictatorship and the ONE PARTY RULE system is more efficient. When a leader wants to get things done, no one can argue with him. He just says "build the road" and it gets built. The same applies to our President who is Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces. He said "take down that dictator" and down he goes!
Now, that isn't the only reason why China has been able to advance so rapidly. The other reason is that China had demanded that any company doing business in China MUST hand over all technical knowledge, possessed by that company, to China. A moron could advance really fast with intelligence like that behind him.
When you consider the years of research and development these companies had to go through to obtain all of that high tech stuff and then to have to just "suddenly" give it away is absolutely stupid to do business that way at all. Especially since China does not give back what it demands from foreign companies. Now they plan to buy up a whole bunch of the best companies all around the world and rip off all of that knowledge, just because they got the money.
If I wanted to grow my business, I damn sure would not go to China. To me, that would be stupid for all the above reasons. The next reason is the restrictions on just basic human freedoms and having some spy follow me around all day making sure I didn't say the word "democracy" or say "freedom of speech" or anything like that.
Not only that, but from now on I will check anything I buy and if it says "Made in China" I will not buy it. From this day forward I am boycotting Chinese products until they open up their country to the freedoms enjoyed in all democracies and privatize ALL OF THEIR STATE OWNED COMPANIES and give up their obsession to destroy the United States of America. I will not patronize a country that wants to destroy mine. No Way!
I have an article in front of me now from entitled "China Stocks Nukes as Anti-U.S. Tactic." by Bill Gertz July 29, 2005
According to this article, China is now building up it's nuclear forces to secretly target the United States. Chen Yonglin, a diplomat who defected to Australia a few months ago, says that Beijing's leaders are prepared to launch a pre-emptive attack on the United States they considered a huge threat to China.
I consider that a case of "hysterical paranoia" since it's actually the other way around. A nuclear war between the United States and China would devastate both countries and would throw the entire world into a depression from which it would take many decades to ever recover from.
As I have already said, I get a lot of e-mails from people who research business opportunities all over the world and I keep reading over and over that there is a lot more opportunity in India than in China. And India is a democracy not a dictatorship. I read an article where five religious leaders were arrested in China and were tortured. They don't even have religious freedom there yet, nor freedom of speech either. I guess they do let them breath once in awhile.
At I typed in "christians arrested jailed tortured china" and got 74,100 links.
I typed in "journalist arrested jailed tortured china" and got 59,000 links.
I typed in "tourist arrested jailed tortured china" and got 33, 600 links.
I typed in "buddhist arrested jailed tortured china" and got 18,300 links.
I typed in "falun gong jailed tortured china" and got 18,400 links.
Obviously there is a very serious problem regarding "human rights" in China. These type of problems occur in all countries, but are always much worse in dictatorships and those countries ruled by religious fanatics.
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